Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Magnetics of the Non Magnetic

Magnetics is in everything. The interesting thing about the things sticking together is all done through magnetics. The lines of magnetic energy is only one form of magnetic energy. There is also a magnetic world outside, I would like to say, Inside the magnetic world. The non metallic world is also magnetic in a different way, but still operates on the same principles. There are interactions or exchanges between the magnetic and non magnetic world. All motion is nothing more than the manipulation of the direction of energy flow. Energy exchange can be done between the magnetic and non magnetic magnetic planes, just as it is between the magnetic differences in the same plane.

The lines of magnetic energy also illustrate the other magnetic lines. They don't interact with iron filings in the way we expect or observe magnetic energy influence. It is between the lines of magnetic energy. They both merge onto a point and are both included in the lines of magnetic energy. I hope to prove what I can see but not yet explain through numbers. It is part of the oneness. The things we do not see are there as well as those things we see.

How can I tell one about unearthly things when you can't understand about earthly things. To not know of those things is not a flaw or problem. It just limits the understanding of the things that are vacant from ones awareness. Allow the things which are not there to be there and go beyond the box of your mind and you will see that there is more to see than meets the eye or mind.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Faster Than The Speed of Light

Magnetic energy is faster than the speed of light! Magnetic energy is flowing and moving. It is not static. The more interesting part of magnetic energy is we look at the lines of magnetic energy as the only element of magnetic energy. There are more than one element involved. What is interesting is the lines between the lines of magnetic energy. That is where the other half of the magnetic energy is moving faster. The interaction of the things we see reacting with magnetic filings lining up on a paper resting on a magnet is the slower part of the magnetic energy because the lines are forming and becoming slowed down in those areas. The filings and paths are indicating flow and the direction.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Colors We See

What colors are the clouds of a dark overcast day? What colors are is the sky if the dark is grey? Why is it said the colors are changing? Do colors change? Colors themselves do not change. Colors remain the same and the color of the clouds did not change from white to grey. The amount of light passing through them are limited and the shadow of darkness is present. The colors may change if a water is clear and a dye is added. The water did not change colors. The dye is still there and living with the water. Your eye is tuned into its sensory and the mind may become twisted into believing the water itself is red. If the dye is to settle and the water clearly visible again, it becomes Clear. Keep in mind things are mixing and what they are. Do not make them dissapear and change your mind over the changes you see. This is how you make awareness of the many things that are. A simple answer is always right in front of you. What are you drinking if you drink a soda with the sugar, dyes and chemicals along with the pressure treated water? What are you drinking? Would you drink that stuff if it was separated out and placed on a plate and cup in front of you? If you saw a spoon of high fructose corn syrup just sitting on a plate in front of you, would you put that huge amount in your mouth to eat of it? You would probably kringe at the notion of doing so, but dilute it and it becomes a sweet tasty drink. Have you been decieved? This is no different than someone giving you a tablespoon of salt and you would think they are crazy for asking you to spoon a tablespoon of salt into your mouth. Why then would you not think they are crazy for hiding a tablespoon of sugar in a can of water along with dark dyes and chemicals on top of that? Do you know what your body is wanting to survive? You have decieved yourself with your lust to satisfy your mind, and not the needs of your body. Then your body changes to obese and you complain and suffer as you make acceptance to your foods you so love. Love can destroy for it is not Love of the world and understanding it, it is love of self satisfaction and the glutteny of pleasure. Someone has seen this weakness of humanity and simply provide the sugary, dark colored water. Humans drink more water than any other animal. The best water is the water provided by natural plants. They should provide the content of most of your daily consumed water. 80 percent easily is given to you by the plants who have made it tasty for you. You cannot enjoy the taste of the earthy water for your have been lusting after the sweetness. Now you have taken yourself and provided a home for disease and diabetes. The body is not getting its desired nutrients to keep fit and strong to live as it wants to because someone lives diluted in its existence much like the sugar is diluted in water. The body is then condemned to your existence which is the existence of self pleasure and self gratification with no regards to the body attached to you. I cry to see your body suffering as it screams out for a plant to share itself.

There is an exchange taking place with each change. I am greatful for the birds. I do not have to eat the bugs and can resort to the tree for food. The exchange is you eat plants and your body gets what it wants. It returns to you something called LIFE. Life is made of Love. If love is pointing inward towards self then it creates upon this earth as does love that is pointing upon the earth itself. The changes of the love is usher in change. Changes to the body because something must be sacrificed. A bug must die for a bird to eat. A plant must exchange for you to live. The waste of your food is then given back to the earth which then gives it back to the plants to continue to feed you. So you give to the earth and the earth gives to the plants which take of the earth and the sun. It then gives it to you and you give it back. Then You, not the body you come along and change it. Now you take of the body and it gives back to you. It gives you suffering and you take indulgence and self pleasures. In return it gives up something and its pay is suffering and pain. You love yourself and the sacrifice of that is what you created in your body and on this earth.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Further proof that we breath liquid and air is a liquid.
The density of a liquid in relation to another liquid can separate liquids and create layers. The layers of one liquid can feel more solid, all be it a liquid, because of the differences in density. The transfer of energy from one liquid to another produces an energy discharge as the energy passes through the changes. The changing states of a liquid and a solid can result in fire, and fire is a liquid. The same can occur between liquids and liquids. The amount of change between two differing energies or elements is the same occurance, a change between elements. These changes occur beyond the atomic scale and the deeper the changes below the atomic scale the bigger the visible energy changes. Now either this holds true or a theory that the number of changes that occur may result in greater visible changes which are detectable on our level of existence.

An important note here is "our level" of existence. This is because we are an element of the deeper existence which we cannot get to 100 percent as we are on the physical level that we are aware of. Another important note here is "we are aware of." This is important because what we are aware of is good for understanding, but it is not the complete picture. Most will understand this idea and concur, but mixing this knowledge with ignorace (as in things we are not aware of), will result in conclusions which trap our knowledge into its shell. It is outside the box that is brought inside the box. Awareness of something we are not aware of to becoming aware.

A primitive or earlier existing human did not know a thing about computers and could never even speak of it. It is knowledge that has brought it into being and the awareness of a thought or idea which is being built upon by bringing information from existing and outside the box together to formulate a new developement. That is part of change as well.

Most conflicts between knowledge of the clearly understood, regardless of accuracy or fullness of knowledge, and the unexplicable existence (i.e. spiritual) has no bond yet because mental imprisonment of one without the bridge to the other has not been understood. This confirms the finding that awareness mixed with unawareness creates in this world just as equally as awareness. Unfortunately, the awareness has imprisoned the human mind so much that the awareness of the unawareness is not understood in itself. In fact, it is unawareness in our primitive minds that has a greater grasp of our existence and thus is creating in our existence. We are so captivated by our awareness that we believe that we have made great leaps in advancements of technology and understanding. This is our inhibition.

The concept that fire and air is liquid may confuse some, but it is a thought which came to me as I attempt to open my mind to view the facts and deeper awareness of our existence. What I see is just a beginning of what is and is still wrong as I, like all, know mostly nothing. Nothing, as mentioned before, is everything that we are unaware of, yet exists.

This religious point of view of it being called spiritual and heaven is something I have not seen and do not take part it. I dare not question the truth of it for all that is spoken is true. Just like monsters. I think I have proven my case. How the truth fits into our awareness is still to be seen. Nonetheless, it exists and will meld together when the One has shown it to us. What are we doing and what is the meaning of all this? You'll know that too when the One reveals it. Since we do not understand, just embrace the beauty of what we do see and keep an open mind so you can enter into the next layer of understanding.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Do we really control movement. As far as I see, motion or control of motion isn't really in our control. We are in control of motion. But is it really a control of motion? I came to a conclusion by peicing together a few peices of understanding. These understandings came from looking at a big picture, the universe. Looking at the expanse of what we can see it might be easy to see that stars exist. We actually see quite well and quite far for a human. This sensory is an input, right? If you look at it that way then sure it is. It is a change detected on a nano scale. A scale of control that is not really in our control. Our own bodies are not in our control as much as we think.

Looking at the big picture of what scientists have brought to our attention as the galaxy, we see stars. All these galaxies move in patterns. Everything seems to function on a pattern. The ultimate pattern being a sphere. The sphere is the most universal shape. We can't see the sphere of a universe, so we don't think it's there. We see it as a black hole and a band or belt of stars and planetary objects floating within the band or belt where the items are being pulled into a black hole. This black hole has such sucking power that it drags into its black hole everything around it.

Who is controlling that motion?

Our bodies have beating hearts and things moving inside of us such as muscles that we call involuntary. This isn't involuntary. Nature has figured out how to work with other nano worlds that have joined forces to create a body. The body is a collaboration of cells working in harmony. Variations of these nano agreements are made based on the environment and constructs of the nano world that it was started from which we call DNA and genes.

I wonder who is controlling that motion?

Now that we have grown up and we think of motion as a force on another object or mass and all that jazz, why do we feel we have all of a sudden gained control of something as ourselves which instigates motion in other things around us, yet we never question the motion of the earth and sun as being part of our control. This might be to conclude that energy is in motion. The way I see it, energy is an exchange between existence from the nano world. Much like a guy in a huge man made machine, causing massive amounts of motion, that is a depiction of nano human controlling monster sized machine. Well, this is also happening on the nano scale. Nano changes are in control of monster sized things. Everything that occurs begins from the nano scale up and not the larger scale down. Although motion is applied to the objects which are large, it is on the nano scale of things that change or exchange occurs. Exchange being a change made between objects. Change is the resulting conditions of the exchange. Exchange or Change never seize to exist, thus existences is never the same as it is. This never being the same existence may be what keeps existence in existence. If you stopped moving or changing, you would be just standing there? NO, you would have no idea of your own existence. The triggers of your brain will not exchange and you would have no input from anything. This is something that may be hard to imagine, but if you can, then you'll see much more meaning into the truth that we do not control things as much as we think.. We do not control things at all.

Here is how that comes to my mind. I gave up control. I do not control the spin of the earth, nature controls it. The rotation and revolving create a condition. These condition create conditions within conditions. The conditions create new conditions. Some changes and conditions are subtle and some more pronounced. Everything has found a home. The home is based on the pattern of conditions. The patterns and conditions are learned by what we know as thought. The thought is an electrical pulse in the mind which is attempting to keep up with the changes since it is changes that keeps creation in existence. Existence would be nothing if it didn't change. It is change that we are attracted to. The changes are what we sense. The inputs we receive are creating new environments we call memories. The memories are part of the human psyche which is a nano world struggling to keep up with and evolve with the changes in a fit to remain alive in this creation made by The One.

We do not control anything and the fact that we thought that we control something is simply a reflection of our own minds experience into what it has done and is trying to do. Our attempts to control which fail us is our struggle. The struggle of the mind is it's attempt to control a world it has no control over. What do we control? Absolutely nothing. The more we try to control it, the less we are in control. Give up your control. Give it up if you can. You will be opened to see who and what is really in control. It definitely isn't us.

We were given permission to move. What is movement of our arms and legs and fingers as I sit here typing this mumbo jumbo? The truth is all movement made in our body is made from a simple impulse of electricity. Electricity is two differences coming together. The differences in energy potential that our body on the nano scale has learned how to manipulate. Manipulation of the direction of energy exchange which was allowed to exist by environmental conditions. These conditions are made and adapated to, and the changes create evolution. It isn't evolution that is creating the changes, it is the changes creating changes. Thus, evolution is not important and the arguement of it is not important. Evolution does occur if you wish to put it in words that make sense to yourself as a means of describing it. The bottom line is change creates change and those changes are governed by your senses only.

So do you really control movement. No, you simply manipulate the changes in electrical fields that your body has adapted to in its environment that was created by the world of changes to create what and where ever you are at this moment.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm still trying to understand what I do understand along with what I need or should understand.


Fire is a chain reaction of change which is instigated or intiated by a reaction of exchange of energy between a liquid and solid in a specific environment or under specific conditions. This does not mean that heat, feul and oxygen is the answer to fire. It is part of the reasons fire can occur. This means, plasma is a fire. I call fire a liquid. I'm still trying how to explain that.


Motion is the direction in which energy exchange allowed change to occur. Motion is constant. It never stops because change never stops. How small, you can't get that small. A universe can fit in a mustard seed. You cannot comprehend this without an understanding which gives this meaning. The meaning of something is not comprehendable unless you understand.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Understanding Opposites: Regret and Forgiveness

I have said this before and I mean what I said. Opposites do not exist. Oh, but they do. They exist under certain conditions. When one side of something is given credit of existence without the other having that equal existence, or when ignorance replaces the understanding of both sides as one whole. Separation and divisions give importance and rise to opposites. Until you see the ONE BIG picture, only then will you see my meaning. So for human meaning, opposites exist.

"Opposites do not exist in the Oneness of the Universe and all that is created."
J. Stallings

Let's discuss opposites using regret and forgiveness. I hope this is a good explanation. I am almost positive that anyone that thinks opposites will think of one of these things; Good/Bad, Right/Left or Right/Wrong, Up/Down, Hot/Cold and Wet/Dry being that these are the most common to humans.

Regret - regretting something is only when you realize you've done something you wish or did not want to happen. The real answer should be to realize that you should learn from what happened and how it happened by not focusing on what you did not want to happen, but rather what you gain from what did happen. This will help you to forgive yourself.
Forgiving yourself is easy when you realize yourself did not want to do wrong, but you realize the change of understanding from what you didn't know which caused a change to what you do know caused a change. The focus here is, you realize you understand what you didn't understand, thus you can forgive yourself.

This forgiveness is not forgiveness, just as regret is not regret. It is understanding of one side out weighing the other. Balance those two and stay connected to yourself in the now and you will not have to forgive or regret. Thus regret and forgiveness is unimportant and non existent in a world where you realize that you changed to a greater level of understanding. Add love to both directions and you have love just love.

Love can be out of proportion as well. Love of self over others and love of others over self. Either way becomes an disporportionate existence. Love is the only thing that creates in this world. Realization of self is to understand uniqueness or individuality. This realization will open many doors. It is you in you that doesn't know you are there. This is also the concept of or explanation of self as being a body, mind and soul or spirit. These levels or parts of self make up one self. One controlling the self is going to be greedy. The other controlling self is going to be loving of all things. Greedy gets reduced to taking as needed for self preservation but balanced with the understanding that self is not alone in this existence. The understanding that self is part of an existence that isn't your existence and thus a level of respect goes towards the existence. Then questioning self becomes common place as self evolves in the adapation phases of becoming one with selfish and selfless.

I could go into the discussion of Right and Wrong or Left and Right, but that is so embedded into humanity that it's a level of discussion that will turn off many as they are slave to their mind and imprisoned by their knowledge of knowing. This focus removes the understanding of not understanding. That is another subject though, so it will be discussed later.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Release Control to Gain Control

You do not have control, but you might think you do. Many think we do. There are some that do, but many that need to learn to take control. The way to control is to realize you do not control and to release the idea of being in control.

This might sound like a contradiction. You give up control to gain control. Someone who thinks they control something other than themselves is in fact, out of control. This knowledge actually took me to some level of release of control that it was just beautiful. I let everything control me. I let the world spin. I let angry man be angry and complain and hate me. I let the happy man be happy and thank me as they shared joy in receiving from reality. I let the hot weather burn me, but I got out of the hot weather and went into air conditioned spaces.

Just then you might think, "There! He went to the air conditioned spaces. He controlled himself or his environment to control the temperature."

If you think that, then you are taking control. You have no appreciation for what is. Hot and cold do not mix. They both inherently exist together. One does not eliminate the other. They simply balance. Their balance is hinged on coexistence and exchange. Hot will always be there and the exact amount of cold will always be there. Where it goes or changes into is a different chapter.

Going back to me being in control of my environment. I must appreciate that hot and cold exist. I then must understand the human body, or myself and my physical needs. Those needs are uncontrollable. They are and need a healthy balance and without that balance, something must exchange with reality. That is all out of my control. I simply manipulate the things that are. The manipulation of the air conditioner from off to on does not mean I control cooling. If I control anything in reality, then I lose my appreciation for what is. I lose my enjoyment of its existence. I fail to see the beauty of what lives with me, all around me.

Monday, June 29, 2009


We know mostly nothing.

Contradiction: Inconsistency
a statement that conflicts with facts or consistency of another statement. The truth of a contradiction is one fact weighs more factual to a person over another. Someone sees a partial detail and assumes it to be the whole truth. This failure to see a connection of something else being true. All things in existence are true. How they are true may not be seen, thus the link to a full circle is missing from the mind. I can use a simple example to demonstrate how this works.

Two people talking, person A and person B:
A: "You are breathing carbon dioxide."
B: "No I'm not. I'm breathing oxygen."
A: "You are breathing carbon dioxides as well."
B: "I exhale carbon dioxides but I only breathe oxygen."
A: "You're also breathing nitrogen."
B: "You're crazy. Humans breathe oxygen."

This simple example is simple to some, but may be difficult for others who have locked out the truth of breathing something other than oxygen. Person B is telling you what they don't know, but so is person A. Person A is telling you what they do know. Most people might simply agree with person A. That is because most people might understand that we breathe oxygen and carbon dioxides because we are aware they both are present in the air. What else is there in the air. There is more, but the fact that most poeple are not aware of what else makes up air (which I call water by the way) we conclude on things. Conclusions is a prison of the mind into believing one thing. If it isn't proven, then it isn't true? There isn't a human alive that can make up anything. Everything is made. With everything made, then everything is true. How is the truth real. It is made true by the proven connections which make them more apparent. For example; Humans need oxygen, water and food. Food comes from the earth. Water comes from the earth and oxygen comes from the air (I believe water, like everything else, comes from the earth because I live on earth and plants make oxygen and water contains oxygen and all of it comes from the earth). So everything comes from the earth, but with someone saying that air comes form air and food coming from earth is a way to divide that which is whole. You don't have an earth without the air around it. Space is divided from us as well because as humans we can't survive there in our unprotected state. The universe cannot be divided. It can be studied and assembled back into the big picture, but never is it divided because one is part of everything. The more the minds sees the oneness of all things, the more this truth becomes evident. The interesting part is, the more you become aware of the oneness, the more beautiful the universe is to you. There is a state of happiness and beauty that is in the mind and body. There is a state of oneness. That level of oneness unlocks the mind. It opens a curiosity to want to understand more of what things are and their connection to us, because everything is connected. That is mentioning the awareness of the oneness.

If I took the minds and experiences of everything and everyone on this planet earth, to include animal life as well, and put this in one mind, the one mind still would not know everything. This is because as humans we are aware that this planet earth is not the universe. We are also aware of the fact that we do not know where the beginning and end is. This is what creates infinity. The awareness of infinity reveals a truth of the supreme being understood to be God. The knowledge of God and his presence is not a knowledge of God and so emphasis is given by some who have knowledge of something. That emphasis is exaggerated into a religion. Religion is a part of reality. One plant is a part of reality. You are a part of reality. There is a whole reality. The truth of what I understand is not a complete truth of reality nor a knowledge of God.

Looking at the fact that you would not know everything even if you had all the knowledge of everything alive, you can conclude then that we do not know everything. This is a given. Humans do not know everything. If you do not know everything, and what you do know as an INDIVIDUAL is so miniscule to what there is to know that what do can say just as equally as saying what you do know is that you know mostly NOTHING. Nothing is, in fact, something. What is nothing.

"Nothing: Is not a nothing as in no such thing. Everything being existence means nothing is something. Therefore, nothing is everything you do not understand."

If I knew everything that God knew, then I would be ONE with him, for I would be as him or be him for I would not be different from him. I am not God. I do not understand Him nor much of anything. Everything exists. Everything is real and cannot be made up. Therefore, what is is. What you know to be, is. What you know to be is only part of what is. What is, IS. Therefore, you know mostly nothing since what you know is so miniscule. Knowing nothing speaks louder than something. The realization of that truth is having an open mind. That is a GOOD THING? No, that is what is. What is is different. Differences coexist. Coexistence is changing. Changing is what everything is doing for if all stopped changing, then all would be Nothing. All we understand is change. What we fear most is difference. What we fear is nothing. Nothing is what we do not understand. Everything is mostly nothing. We know nothing about everything there is to know about everything. Nothing creates as does something creates. Love creates as does hated. Everything is connected. We need to know more of something in order to create. Where we get more of something is in fact from NOTHING.

Let's examine that. Nothing is everything we do not know. Thus we are mostly doing nothing compared to the ONE who knows everything. What I find interesting is we are humans and we refer to the ONE as humanlike or living. This is interesting but a whole new discussion. Coming back now. If a person is born knowing nothing, they see and learn from the world and they start to know things. The things they know came from the world. The child is born not knowing about air. Air is a mixture of oxygen, argon, hydrogen, nitrogen and so on. The child doesn't know this. He is breathing and becomes curious of his actions. What am I doing? I'm moving my chest and inhaling and exhaling. This is important. The curiousity of what is Unknown then turns out to be the known through research and learning. The curiousity of what we do not know can introduce nothing into something. Nothing is everything we do not know. It changes into something. They are always there. What is there is more than we understand. The child becomes a man and has learned that we breath oxygen and nitrogen and demonstrates that he has learned about air and oxygen and our dependency on it. Then he dies and someone becomes curious about well. we understand oxygen is needed to live, but where is oxygen coming from? Now this new child is curious of oxygen because the knowledge of breathing has given him that curiousity.

Let's take ignorance, the part of nothing or not knowing. You know we need oxygen. Then you stay believing that is all there is to learn. EVERYTHING has been learned about oxygen and the bodies needs for air. Then you also conclude and live by law the knowledge that air is AIR and it is separate from water and the earth and the universe. Then we say we understand the earth's atmosphere and how it is held in place and how it works. Then we stay stuck on those things and believe them to our grave. We don't get curious about well why is that, and why is this? We are prisoned by our understanding. What we understand is mostly nothing. We are imprisoned by the assurance that we know something. Thus we do not care to change to open the mind to invoke knew thought and understanding and the connection of the oneness that connects us. The full circle of existence. We live in separation and ignorance. It becomes the mind. It kills us as it changes our existence back to everything. What is that everything?

What is everything? Is there such thing as everything? How can it be possible for everything to exist if everything is constantly changing? If everything is changing in order to exist, then is there an ending to existence? We know mostly about nothing, therefore, NOTHING is all you speak of. What is that Nothing. We need to learn about that NO THING that does exist. WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND NOTHING.

If I take something new, that no one has heard of or believes in or understands, then I say the world is round in a world where all believe the world to be flat, then I would be the fool that has introduced NOTHING into the world of something. If I say air is water, diluted by something else, but nonetheless, it's water too. That's what fis live in, that's what we are mostly made of and rely on, and all air can be liquified in it's pure state. We say fish don't know they are in water. We are the ignorant one because fish may know that better than we do, but we take our assumptions and put it in their minds. We assume we are the only intelligence in life, therefore, we fail to see the beauty of all existing intelligence. We live in hell in our little bubbles separated from the beauty of existence, apart from the oneness of all things. We marvel at ourselves and what little we know and we flaunt it and give praise to our ignorance without even knowing it. We are fish in water and don't even know it. We are not fish, I say, as I correct your mind from focusing on the negativity of a comment which overlooks the meaning. Words have no meaning. Meaning is not seen. Meaning is everything. Nothing is everything. Everything is everything. We know nothing.

Who are you? - you are what you're doing.
What are you doing? - You're doing what you understand.
What should you be doing? - We do not know because we know mostly nothing.
The answer is right in front of you. - What is in front of me is everything.
The question is, can you see it? - We can only see some of what is to see. How do we see what we cannot see? You open your mind.
How do you open your mind to it? - You just be curious and understand all that is in front of you is not everything. It might very well be the answer is: Do nothing, DO NOT EVEN THINK. Just look and you will understand something new. The mind opens and let it in. Creation will give to you, YOU CANNOT Create what is created. You can understand more of what is and that will give you pleasures that you cannot imagine. Understanding is wonderful. Understanding what is is the greatest pleasures of life. Enjoy the beauty of everything and invite in all that is Nothing to us.

Nothing is everything that is NOT YOU! What are you? Remember, You are what you understand. If you are White, try to understand other people. If you like sushi, try to understand why others like hamburgers. You don't like sushi? No problem, someone else does. Let reality be as it is, enjoy the differences. That is the beauty of life. The variety of what is. If everything was hamburgers and you love hamburgers, then life would be all you. That would be boring. If you can't see past yourself, then you can't see the beauty of life. Nothing is everything that isn't you. Enjoy the differences and everything that isn't you. The funny thing is, you'll then realize you have become one with it although it was different. It's beautiful. Try it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is a beautiful concept to realize and will bring happiness if you can grasp it.  I am feeling a happiness just writing this.  There is no such thing as ignorance.  There is no such thing as opposites. There is no such thing as one over anohter.  There is no such thing as no such thing. Existence is. Is is. The ONE is. All is. Everything is. Everything is part of everything. You are a part of is. Is just is. Differences is variations of what is. Variations of what is just is. The variations are the differences that is. Change is the results of the difference of that which Is. Exchange is the reaction of one Is on another Is.  This is because Is is existing with what Is. What Is is going to change because change Is what created the Is in the first place and in order for Is to exist, change must exist. If everything stopped changing, then what Is will remain as Is and to remain unchanged is Death or Nothing. The nothing doesn't exist because the Nothing Is the One that Is and the One that is Is and all that Is Not. We do not know what Is is nor what Not Is. We only know what we know.

Let's simplify this IS.  I hope you gathered that Is is Everything. Everything Is and just Is.  The property of Is is change. The reason Is exists is because of change. Change made Is.  Without change everything would be nothing. Stand still.  There is No aging, moving, changing, no wind, no hot, no cold.  There is NOTHING, yet there IS. IS is something and IS is the ONE that allowed or created that which Is the Is we know. We know Is as everything that Is, but we do not know what IS is in the sense of Nothing being Is. I hope that hasn't confused you. Nothing and Everything Is the ONE. Since we do not know Nothing, and we do not know everything, then what do we know?  If you knew everything about everything and nothing, then YOU would be the ONE and the ONE would be you. The existence of US is exactly that. A beautiful intricate part of what Is.  Realization of that is what makes us release ourselves from struggle. Struggle is not really there. It's the nothing part. I can prove it. Read the next post. Just remember that Is is. 

Since everything is, there cannot be such a thing as Nothing in the sense that we know it. That nothing is something, but we will never know of it because Infinite cannot be contained.  The truth is best said this way, "What you know is exactly that.  Just what you know. What is, IS! Therefore, you ARE what you know.  The things you know does not mean that everything else is Nothing.  So, you call everything else, nothing.  Nothing is everything else and since you are not one with it you are just as IS.  What else IS is not what you know and has been given a name. When you know everything, you will realize that there is Nothing to not know, therefore, the word Nothing will not exist. If there is no such thing as Nothing then what is there to talk about? In other words, Infinity is not limitation.  Limitations is part of what is only to the elements of being the Part of what Is, but we are part of what IS as the whole.  The things I do not know is part of what Is and also part of these words.  The truth is not words.  My words are speaking of what IS and what Is not part of me. I am not everything, thus I am not correct. I can only speak from limitations. That is why what I say is only some of what IS. The truth of what is cannot be spoken as Is for there is no word to say Everything. The word we use is God, The One, Jesus, and Is or Reality.  These are used because that is how we use them. We are not Everything, we are part of everything.  Enjoy that which Is.  You are Is, Is is Is. Everything Is. What is that? There is no word for it for words come from being a part of this finite changes of existence in the infinite existence. 

"Words mostly describe Nothing, yet it describes what Is.  We know so little about what Is that we do not realize what we do not know. The sum of what we do know is mostly Nothing and since most of what we know is Nothing, then we speak mostly of exactly that. Nothing is everything we do not know, yet it Is. If you new everything then would there be such a thing as ignorance or nothing to speak of?"
J. Stallings - 02 June 09

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Burst Your Own Bubble

Everyone is acting with reason. Remember I spoke of bursting your own bubble. Come outside your bubble to obtain the understanding of someone elses bubble. Their bubble is based on their understanding. Their understanding is based on both knowledge and ingornace. Therefore, there is no wrong answer. Understanding that nothing is wrong is part of understanding how to help someone stuck in a bubble that is missing some other things they need to find happiness. This is very interesting.

Imagine yourself going through life literally in a bubble. You're not the only on in a bubble. Everyone is in a bubble. The bubble is the knowledge of a persons mind. The bubbles are of different sizes. The bubbles have color as well. Glistening light of different transparent bubbles of varying sizes all around you, and inside every bubble you see a person. You see the source or face associated with the bubble. Your bubble has different colors and is of varying size. Do not become jealous of the larger bubble or the colorful bubble. Simply realize that their bubble is the size and color of their knowledge. Now you want to change your bubble in the world of bubbles. To change your bubble you have to obtain the knowledge of the bubbles that have size and color you wish to change to. What will be interesting is, your bubble will never be the same size and color. How can that be? The information you obtained added to your bubble color and size (your self). The addition to your bubble color and size will change and because your color was unique, it will remain unique because you can only be another persons bubble and color exactly if you are them. Since that is impossible the bubbles in the world are 100% unique. This is the beauty of life. Everything is different. Where is jealousy and envy coming from? Why are you acting the way you act with such selfish spite and disaccord with others? Embrace the difference and you will find peace within your bubble. Your bubble is heaven and hell. Your bubble is your bubble and not someone elses. Marry the right person and you still have two different bubbles. The closer the color and size of those bubbles and the happier the marriage. Likes attract. Relax and enjoy your bubble. Go outside of your bubble and change it. That is the fun part. That is the beauty of your bubble as you bump around the world of bubbles. Now put some insects in those bubbles. Don't forget the plants. Put some rocks in those bubbles. My goodness, the size of the universe needed to house all those bubbles. It's an infinity of bubbles out there. The beauty of this universe of vast differences is just wonderful. All bubbles are really just an intricate composition of a big bubble that is ifinite in size and color. We are all part of one bubble.

You Are In a Bubble

Everything we do is a result of something else. Everything is a reaction since existence is the ultimate action. After existence things react upon it's environment. If what we do is based on reactions of our environment and our environment include things we are completely unaware of then what we are doing is both intelligent, yet ignorant.  The light and dark of everything is existing. The light is the knowledge. Knowledge of everything is not possible by any one thing except the One that created it. The knowledge of a human is a direct result of the individuals body, mind and environment.  You can take a genius mind and place it in a room with nothing more than 4 walls and that mind will adapt to its environment. What way is there out of a room with nothing inside?  What way is there to get out of the box.  I use the box as the description because most can relate to that. I prefer to use a sphere. How do you get out of the sphere to know what is outside that which you do know.

The presence of things you do know is also present with that which you do not know. Thus, any persons reactions are based on the light and the dark, which is knowledge and ignorance.  What is interesting is that some react more so on the ignorance while under self assumptions they are acting upon knowledge or what they do know.  This is because they are unaware of the ignorance that has hold of them. There is in fact more ignorance to human than imaginable because there is a whole new universe of knowledge that isn't even fathomable because it is outside the reach of our physical senses.

The fact that I just said that will leave many to responde to exactly what I mentioned. The reaction of people reading just what I wrote will be based on ignorance, yet it will be dictated as knowledge and I will be assumed the ignorant. The knowledge of what I understand is not a complete knowledge, but a bit more to add to the knowledge of man.  A person that finds the meaning in what I write here is the person that has stepped outside the sphere to add to his sphere.  I strive to do the same because other rules of existence apply that I must adhere to. Everyone is right, everything is true. Thus, I will struggle not as I accept all reality as reality by understanding the limitations of that reality based on what I do and do not understand. This is, as some would describe, speaking in cirlces.  That is part of why I prefer to use the sphere over the box. The beginning and end is where? Reality just is. All of reality IS. Accept it all and learn to adjust to all realities and make them part of your own reality and you will see the beauty in all reality. It is all beautiful if you can see it. What will play out from our ignorance is perfectly normal because that is how ignorance reacts upon the universe, as ignorant.  Knoweldge will have it's say in this world, but since all the minds on the earth cannot solve for everything, then there is no one straight answer to all of reality from our human way of existence.  There is no confusion.  There is no answer.  There just is.  Everything is right.  What is everything?  Your reaction will be perfectly normal.  Examine that reaction and you might find yourself outside of your bubble.  That is the fun part.  Adding to your reactions with new information.  Adding to self by including more of something from what is.  You are what you understand, and you are what you do not understand. You are everything and nothing.  There is no separation of reality from reality.  The whole universe isn't based on what you DO understand, but is based on what is. What is has not been created or determined by self.  Your reactions will show you something if you look outside yourself, which will reveal inside yourself.  This is a circle, so I speak in circles.  That is infinity and how things work.  Everything is connected.  Everything IS!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Two States of Matter

Solid and liquid. We are in liquid that is less dense than (H2O) water, but we are still in water.
All gases are liquids, like smoke is to air as a squids ink is to water.

Changes of energy between materials is a liquid state. Here may be the first place you'll ever hear this, but Fire is a liquid that is exchanging energy with other liquids surrounding it. This might sound crazy, but in order for there to be three states of matter, there must be three states of magnetic energy. The number of states of matter is dependent on the number of parts of magnetic energy. I'm going to think on this thought more, but this is part of my dialouge to myself as I brainstorm. There is a connection and I am going to figure out how and prove it. Everything is energy exchange and has a relation to magnetic energy and there isn't a single thing that isn't connected to it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Separation Of You From Reality

There is no separation. The separation is in the mind. The universe is one place. One thing in the universe is part of that universe. The universe is part of you as you are part of it. There is no other way to existence. This means there is no separation of the universe from you because the universe would not be the universe as it is if you were not in it. It would then be something else. What would the universe be if you were not in the universe? It would be a different kind of universe. The elements within a universe, be it changing or not, is what makes it the universe. Therefore, there is no separation of you and the universe, nor separation of the universe and you. This is the oneness of all things that make up one thing. Your body is not one thing without the completion of itself. Whatever it is, then that is what it is. If you lost an arm, then you are an armless body. Then that is what you are. The arm that is not attached to you is dead without you, but lives as part of something else. That something else is what has you as a part of it. The changes of you occur within it. It cannot be removed from itself least it not be the universe. Thus, the universe, no matter where your arm be attached to, is still a part of what is the whole. You are not everything. Everything is not everything with something missing least it not be everything. The universe and life itself is dead without the One that made it. What is a body without the mind? What then is the mind without the One that created it? What is the mind? If you think you understand, then you admit you have nothing more to understand. What is the mind is something to be solved before understanding what is the mind without the One who created it.

Proof: If I were a rock, then I would be that rock. The whole truth is, I AM. If I am the rock and not a human, it doesn't matter what I am because the ultimate truth is, I AM. How did I come to this conclusion and proof? In my mind I removed all humans from the universe. Then I was still here as I wandered the universe. I was here as a rock. The one fact is, I could not eliminate myself. If I cannot eliminate myself, then I always am. If I am, then I am. If I was not myself, in any form, then I would not be. Since I cannot NOT BE, then I always am. What am I when I am what I am? It doesn't matter. I am what I am, but the truth be told, I always am. Well, if I am part of what is, then that means you are part of what is too. If you are part of what is, then you are and cannot be separated from what is. You may change and be different, but who cares about that. You are! Since you are and part of what is, then you are inseparable from what is. You may change what you are, but you may not separate from the whole that is.
So I beg to answer the questions.......

"Who am I? Who are you? What are we? I think we are one."
J. Stallings

I am what I am doing. What am I doing? I can only do what I understand to do, therefore, I am what I understand! What is next to be understood? What must I understand in order to become that which I am not so that I am, or part of what IS? I long for understanding, all the while knowing that I can never understand everything. So I pray a single prayer each day for one thing and one thing only. "May I have more understanding?" This is all I pray. I can pray this because I am aware that there is the One that IS. That is an ultimate truth that I know, yet do not understand. It is a simple addition to my awareness of what IS. That is all I am, but I will change, yet I will never be nothing. If I was nothing, then that is what I am. Either way, I end up as something, even if it's nothing.

Which leads to a new question. What is nothing? Would not nothing then be everything as well? Inseparable. The One is and always will be. The only separation of you from ONENESS is in your mind.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Static Electricity or Lightning

Static electricity is a build up of energy but requires an interaction of a non magnetic material and a magnetic field. Is this true? Let me think about it. There is a manipulation of energy of a non magnetic material which is given a static energy and allowed to exist in a magnetic field. There is something deeper than this. I'm thinking on the idea. Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion I may be causing, but I have to write this stuff down. As it clears up, I'll explain it. Steps, my friends, I must go through the steps to reach the next level of understanding. I know what I'm trying to say, but having an issue of explaining it. I can see what I see, but trying to extrapolate what I do not understand.

What Is Magnetic Energy

There are two flows of energy or one flow with two elements within that magnetic energy. I do not mean a North and South as in that two kinds of energy. There is one energy as in Magnetic. the constructs of magnetic energy is that it consists of two forms of energy, inward and outward. The inward is the same as the outward, but our bodies and minds are accustomed or adapted to one more over the other. That is why we see a spectrum of light and not the other spectrum. I was thinking how is it that some of the lightwaves we know exist are invisible to our eyes? Another thought came to mind. Why is something clear as if it does not impede light? Well, there is two directions of energy flow. The energy flow that is going outward is heated and so our body is adapated to living as warm blooded beings. There is another being that is adapted to being cold blooded beings. They are adapted to the magnetic energy flow inward towards the center of the earth. Remember I spoke about this in an earlier blog about my explanation of what hot and cold is. You see, hot is energy exchanged outward and cold is from energy exchanged inward. Either way, it is energy exchange of either one source in two directions or two elements flowing in different directions. To explain, lets look at the magnetic lines of a magnet. They go away from the magnet and then return to the magnet. Well, the same occurs on the north pole. Well, wait a minute. There are gaps between the lines. They are also lines of energy flow equal to that of the visible lines and they are equally present. This is interesting.
Now there are two energy flows or maybe a balance of energy flow, but why is it pulling inward and yet it flows outward.
There are two flows of energy to comprise of magnetic energy. Could it be that north and south is the same energy flow, different directions. Some items are magnetic and some are not. Yet they both exist on the same planet. Could it be that the non magnetic is actually that way because it has taken on the properties of the balanced energy of the two poles, or it has the properties of a completely different energy source which is the non magnetic property to magnetic properties, yet it is magnetic to the non magnetic energy flow.
Now that I have thoroughly confused you, I want to say that the earth consists of magnetic energy. That magnetic energy may be comprised of two forms of magnetic energy. One appears non magnetic, but in fact, it is magnetic to the non magnetic energy. That is why it sticks here too and bonds the way it does and it's properties are what give non magnetics their flexibility yet rigidity. Some elements have incorporated properties equally between magnetic and non magnetic and that is why some elements are hard, and some soft. That is why it appears there are opposites. I think I have just solved for the opposites which are not opposites. They are two flows of energy with properties that have produced differences in materials. Bonding is interesting and is occuring on the magnetic level way beyond our comprehension. I am now going to try to solve for magnetic energy. My theory is going to be proven. There is no such thing as NON magnetic. It is magnetic as well, but it's properties are magentic to that which is non magentic which is a whole other energy that exists with magentic energy. Thus, magnetic energy is two energies coexisting and creating energy flow. One is inward and one is outward. Which ever is given the greater presence at a particular matter and condition, then that will be a change that will result in that outcome which favors the majority of the two energy existences. For example. Ice ages are possibly due to the dominating presence of the non magnetic energy flow, which is magnetic, but in an inward direction. The magnetic energy flow is outward and is magnetic outward. Both are from the same source or from two sources existing on one playing field. I'm still working it out.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Universe Of Microbiology

I was trying to sort out the thought, which most everyone has probably thought briefly or deeply on, what exactly are we and how did we get here?

I took that thought and considered it with the understanding that everything is made of more than one thing. Our body is made of cells of different types with different tasks, yet functioning as a single mass in agreement with each other. I say that because it has to be in order for it to be. There is a likeness within the every single cell of our being, yet a universe of difference in each one. All of these cells must be associated and understand each other in order to live in the environment it exists in. Our body is a universe to itself.

What if each and every cell in our entire fabric of being was disconnected from every cell in existence and was placed in a petrie dish. The amount of petrie dishes needed to hold all the individual cells of your existence would be a lot. Every cell had its own home and environment and living on its own without any association to any other cell. This question begs to understand what would you be if everything functioned on its own for itself and without association with anything else. Would you exist? Would you be able to even think as a unit? What would your mind be if it was just a brain cell disassociated from everything else in the universe. Could you be a person or living as a single cell?

If it takes an astronomical number of cells to make up your existence, then why is it that the cells collectively would think of self? Who then is the thoughts and mind within the body of cells that make up your body? Is there a spirit or soul? What are you as cells scattered and why is it different when you are collected into a single living body? Are you a single living body? What would you be if you didn't have arms or walked with 8 legs instead of 2?

Where is all this going? What and who you are is exactly a mass of cells that agreed to collect and work as a unit. All the cells within the body have specific functions and in order to survive more efficiently have collaborated into being your body. That body is working together, but yet the mind can think of self. Everyone wants happiness and good, but all bodies must suffer the existence. The body has requirements of healthy food and water. What organisms are working against the body to promote a change that is destructive of the human body and incorporates obesity and ailment? Viruses change other cells to exist. Cells themselves have viruses. What kind of cells are attempting to thrive within us? Sugar is a destructive force on our existence and unhealthy, but yet the tongue longs for it. What are the type of cells or biological organisms that is trying to infect us by encouraging our physical changes in order to survive or join our body to coexist, or trying to ensure a faster death of our body in order to provide food for itself? Microbiological universes exist and they are adapted and continue to adapt in their struggle to exist using the means of reproduction for survival by means if manipulating the mind and body, or the big picture. Since they are so connected to reality, they are masters of manipulation of reality. A reality that includes our existence. Who is really in control of this universe? I believe it goes beyond comprehension.

"From the earth you came and to it you will go!"

The Core

The center of the earth is freezing, not hot and not iron. Passing the mantle you enter a new layer of the earths structure which is freezing hundreds of degrees below the human point of zero degree. The earth would not sustain a magnetic energy if the core was super hot as described. This is to say the earth is built on layers and as you enter the deepest or most central part of the core the energy exchange is more pure and stable thus creating a new layer or atmosphere in physical matter that is untouchable or unreachable by our existence. It's forces are too great to sustain life in our form.

My premise is this. The atmosphere is in layers. There are variations in temperature because there is variations in the amount of energy exchanging in a specific direction. The greater the exchange in the opposing direction of magnetic energy flow the greater the presence of heat. The difference in temperature occurs on the matter surrounding the core as it exchanges outward, but the stability of the core of the earths magnetic source remains as cold or colder than space. The change of temperature from -500 degrees to - 200 degrees is a heated change and would be considered freezing from a human point, but the temperature is hot from the lower to the higher. Either way, the temperature is changed and the exchange of energy to reach the difference in temperature will have an impact depending on how fast it made that change. The way to understand this is to remove the zero degree from your mind and understand temperature is a result of energy exchange. All temperature is energy exchange, but the direction or the exchange reflects on the amount of heat. The greater the stability of the direction of energy in a specific path, the colder and more stable the environment. To further explain, the core of the sun and all stellar objects with a symmetrically round shape that has a significant magnetic field resulting in an atmosphere has an internal atmosphere that is freezing and stable with the direction of energy flow. This is also based on the idea that temperature is temperature and not opposite to anything. It is what it is and there is no start or stop point to what it is. It just is. This is why you have to open your mind to understand this concept. There is a whole or one creation that we exist in and the existence of that whole or one creation is not determined by a starting parameter that we understand, nor is it based on our existence or layer within this existence. These layers create layers of cold and hot which are based on the conditions and energy. These layers follow a law of reality and is repeated on all layers which is what make it a law of reality that can be observed or understood to a certain degree.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Single Thing

This topic will bring to clarity to a truth which I hope will open the mind to understand something.

"Everything in existence is not made of a single thing. Even things in their purest form. Pure gold is not pure gold, but a collection of things that form pure gold."

What does this mean? Everything is made of a multitude of things. There is no such thing as one thing alone in pure form. Even the purest form of "one thing" is really a mixture of multiple things. One thing alone would be undectable and appear as nothing to us as humans. There cannot be one thing alone because it is not alone. Thus all things will always include many things. All things are connected, because as things are formed on an energy that is coming from one thing it turns into many things, which makes up new things, which makes up new things, and on and on. The ONE is the only one that understands the truth of all things. I'm only guessing, but as a matter of fact, it is easy to understand that all things are really a multitude of things and can never only be one thing.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Light As Colors

All light is a combination of colors. This is to include black, white and primary colors. The meaning is this: There is no such thing as an individual color.

"All colors consist of a multitude of color, but at least more than one color. That is to include the primary colors"

These colors include colors that are invisible to us. Can you imagine a color you cannot see? You can not see an invisible color, but that is okay because, of course, you cannot imagine a color you cannot or have not ever seen. Just make it invisible or clear and add it to another color. The interesting part is that in that spectrum of clear colors, make a whole new spectrum that is equivalent to the colors you can see. This is the night we cannot see, but there is the day in which we can see. These colors do exist and my understanding was made by the curiousities of the color white. The colors of black is interesting and the colors of white is just as interesting. Times are changing and things change. People change. Investigate these changes and you might be fascinated to see what you find. Why does my skin lighten and darken in the sun? It is what the persons skin does and which colors are passing through the skin? This is a surface change of color which indicates a physical change. Where is this going? Well, water is clear. I have a new thing to think about. What spectrum do animals of the water see? If a whole new color became visible to humans the entire spectrum of colors would change, not just a single color. The fact is, we do not see all the colors there are in existence. I am so curious as I think it through and stumble upon new discoveries. These discoveries are made by including more of what we cannot see, taste, smell, feel or understand. They are there and it is very beautiful and interesting. I wish I could prove it. All I can tell you is I have sensed it. Thus I am aware of it, but do not understand it. As humans, collectively we can spread the understanding to work as humans towards understanding what is next to be understood.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Heat and Cold

Energy exchange inward results in cold or stabilization in change of matter in its environment or condition. Energy exchange outward or in the opposing direction of magnetic energy results in heat.

Keep in mind there is no such thing as oppsites in reality. There is only change. Temperature is temperature and not opposite anything, only changes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Something Into Something Else

Let's say there was nothing in creation. Then there was magnetic energy. It was a crushing energy force that had this inward pulling or huge magnetic field. The field was impeded by nothing more than subatomic particles. The subatomic particles got pulled together forming into atoms. The atoms got pulled into each other as it couldn't escape the magnetic energy field and was crushed into matter. The matter was crushing into itself to form larger matter. The matter that formed turned into things. Some groups of subatomic material formed and became a specific matter and others to form specific matter. Soon the surface of the magnetic force was overwhelmed by the materials it created. The matters that joined became ever crushed into force bonding with different forms of matter and produced new forms of matter. The new matter or materials acquired properties as they were subject to different environments or atmospheres. The matter was soon accumulating over the source of magentic energy that it became so immense that its flow of energy was impeded and the only way out was for the matter to dispurse and spread far out over the universe. This action created some of the matter to adopt the magnetic energy as it was magnetised by the original source of energy exchange that occured. This dispursement of matter became manipulated and overwhelmed and by matter as it created matter in its new environment and all the magnetic fields that became individual were also reacting with the other fields it was encompassed or in relative distance to be manipulated by. All this formed layers of layers of the same action to repeat over and over. Each layer creating new environments and new matter and different conditions, but all of them connected and interacting based on its environment and atmosphere.

I can see that something comes from something by changing. Change is exchange of existence with all things in existence, creating new change to be exchanged with and into.

How something came from nothing is something I cannot see or imagine as I have imagined something from something. What is the original form of something? I call it heaven and earth since I do not have another description for it. Someone saw it and said God made it. This is what we read, but this is what I do not understand for I have not seen it as someone else may have. I beg for the priviledge in this lifetime, but then I would be a nutcase if I saw it, because to see it would be understanding. To speak of what no one can understand without seeing it too would be a man being called a fool. The seed is planted and can grow from the thought of its very existence. This is why I long for the understanding. I long to see it. Only the ONE can let me see. What I do see is beautiful. I see a world free of sin and evil. I see beauty in everything. That will be disputed and contested, but that will be embrassed by some. Some will hear, much like they read and they will not understand lest they see it for themselves. Long for it and you may see it. That is the seed. The thought of it being there.
I wish you could see the beauty of everything in front of you now, and more.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Electricity and Magnetic Energy

Is electricity ever electricity or merely a manipulation of magnetic energy? I am becoming aware of magnetic energy as a flowing energy, much like water, that we have come to learn to manipulate and utilize. This doesn't mean we make magnetic energy or destroy magnetic energy, simply manipulate it. We do not control it. If it's magnetic energy at one point, then converted to electrical energy, then it's to say electricity is magnetic energy and vice-versa. Magnetic energy manipulation is what we are. We are electrical beings that is comprised of molecular and cellular beings that are coexisting and is manipulated by the brain as a main being that controls the universe called our body. Maybe it was this idea that brought about the thought that our existence is created after the image of the ONE that created us.

Think about it for a second....

Now to further my explanation. Magnetic energy is constantly around us. Remove US from the picture. Have a single living cell or organism.  This single organism is a functioning in and on the scale of magnetic energy. Motion is nothing more than energy exchange. If energy exchange occurs this means that energy changed. If energy changed it was really a manipulation of energy from state to state or through a conductor.  Our existence is mostly water, bone and muscle which is manipulated by electrical impulses. Where does the energy that we get from this electricity to exist come from? The air in which we breathe. Not the air, but it's all around us. It's permiating our body and our existence and is being manipulated on a scale that we do not understand. The magnetic energy of the earth we are living on is the energy source of our existence.  We manipulate it to move and function.

Electricity is a manipulation of magnetic energy flow. The presence of both poles of magnetic energy is present or some other explanation that requires our greater understanding is necessary to explain our existence in this electrical world we live in. We live in electricity, or better stated, we live in a world of masterfully manipulated magentic energy by the cellular and microbiological world which we do not understand. The prize is magnetic energy. What is it?  Electricity is not electricity in the sense of flowing electrons, but more like magnetic energy flow or exchange that has been manipulated and used for useful things.  The same way we have used magnetic energy is the same way the rest of living things have learned to harness magnetic energy in all its different forms.  We have a long way to understand.  Open your mind and let truth in.

"IS" Is In Control

"To think you are in control is a loss of control."

How is someone in control? The universe came before us, thus it is in control, but it isn't in control of itself. It is existing in the confines of the laws of reality.  These laws are in control.  The freedom to exist is just that.  These freedoms are the rights of everything in existence. If it wasn't it's right then it wouldn't exist. The interesting part of this existence is the fact that we are an aftermath of a bunch of things to exist. We are the primitive existence since it existed before we did. But this thinking is including time which is irrelivent.  We are not primitive, but rather a part of what exists.  The reason for that is Now is just different.  This existence I speak of is the physical part of our existence I speak of. To speak of another level of existence  (ie. spiritual) is beyond my comprehension and although it is part of this existence in every way, because it exists, is where there is a gap in understanding between the relation of the ONE existence that exists.  To understand the full scope of existence you have to include everything.  These limitations are set when people form conclusions that things have been solidly solved and are true facts.

I wonder when did all facts become solidly true when they do not include truths of everything in existence.  This oneness and connection to all of existence is part of the whole picture and our knowledge of a peice of that picture is not the full picture.

Everything in existence that we see as not living, as in a rock, is considered non living and doesn't die.  There isn't a death in it but changes in it.  It too is permanent.  The reason for that is exchange is different on every level. If the rock we stand on called earth is necessary for us to be here, and our entire lives depend on the rock and water that we exist on, eat, drink and build from is less than us, then why is it even here?  It is needed to be here before we are here.  Our appreication for the changes that made it be is what we should give over a classification causing seperation of us from it by identifying differences, making it insignificant to all of existence.  Find our similarities and work towards understanding how it is related to our existence.  It exists before we existed, thus it will exist after our existence changes.  Without it we do not exist.  This means we should form a union with that which is through expansion of knowledge. This knowledge is acknowledgement of its existence. To see the beauty of the existence of it you must first see it. Understanding the relation of it to you is to see more of the beauty of what it means to us and our relation to it.

Begin in your mind with the beginning of the universe. Then the formation of the galaxies. Then in those galaxies. Then the formation of our solar system. Then see our planet form within the solar system. Then the beginnings of environment which gives place for our life and our existence.  This is interesting isn't it.  When did you control anything that made you become here in existence? When did anyone control the earth or its existence for it to even exist?  How then can you control what is here. Now if the earth is here and we come from and depend on the earth, how do we think we are in control of it least ourselves?

Let's take another look at existence.  Think of the smallest atom (which isn't the smallest form of existence).  Then think of the formation of the things to come like the first materials, rocks, and magnetic energy. Then energy kept changing and making things form as they changed over exchanges of changes.  These changes gave shape to the existence of things. The existence of things kept on changing and forming matter and materials. These materials formed shapes and these shapes were manipulated in the energy because they are part of the changes that came from exchanging forms of energy.  These shapes then took on rocks and planets and stellar objects. Then the energy was exchanged out widely and kept on changing because the changes kept forcing more changes to occur which resulted in a shapely form to the changes.  These changes kept repeating the pattern and doing the same thing over and over making levels of changes occur but in a pattern over and over spreading the changes that make up the existence we are in now.

There are two ways to look at the existence. From the biggest to the smallest and the smallest to the biggest.  They are both equally existing and cannot be seperated. This means they are one of each other and none of existence without each other. This is the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. The meaning is the existence is made from the smallest of things, but existence is large and gives place for the smallest to exist in.  This is infinity in a ball of oneness.  There are rules that make it connected and the rules are on all levels of existence. That depth of understanding is going to work to find the connection between it all which might lead to our understanding that we are not in control of it but merely a part of it. The oneness of physical existence, our existence and our spiritual sense of existence is all there. How do they relate and what is the relation to the one whole picture of existence? Energy is in control.

These changes and things that occur are on the laws of reality. They are repeated over and over and apply to all of existence on levels that we do not understand, yet occur repeatedly but changing making new things occur.  This is a permanence to the presence of existence. This permanence is beautiful as it goes through changes creating and forming and becoming. The knowledge and energy is creating and changing as it spreads out throughout existence, but on all levels is the laws of reality which exist on all levels.  The understanding of the connection between these changes is interesting. If you connect with the understanding that all things are on the laws of reality and the changes are making changes and this infinite cycle of changes is because of the exchanges that create change still fall under ONE big picture and thusly, all connected because of existence is equal, then you might find your beauty of enjoyment of the life and changes that have come from what is here and will change into.  These are out of your control.  To think you control it is a loss of control.  The control you have if you have any is very controlled because of the boundaries that are set to our parameters.  Understanding the relation with the connection of our existence in this one existence is to enjoy the pleasures of existence on a greater peice of the existence. It's beautiful, but you can't see all of it.  That's accepting the limitation of your existence and enjoying what you are in your existence.

Now if energy is existing and we are part of the energy that exists and changes and forms undertanding to become existing, then we need to understand that energy is in control of existence.  Who controls energy, it just exists and that is made by the ONE who knows everything about our existence.  Since we do not know about everything, then we clearly can understand that there is someone beyond our understanding that does understand. If you took the intelligence of every human mind in existence and gave that knowledge to one person, you still wouldn't know everything.  This means that we are incapable of knowing everything.

Understanding that we are incapable of knowing everything, least you be the ONE that made all that is, is an understanding that helps one to open the mind to further the understanding of things that exist outside of yourself.  You do not even control yourself fully in the sense you think. You manipulate what is here and that is energy.  We have learned to be and manipulate energy in this physical world. Energy is on all levels and is in motion. The control over our existence is more on the side of energy exchange and change.  We can enjoy our existence and understand more of what exists in order to learn to manipulate more of existence. This is how life becomes resilient and attempts to maintain place in existence.  You cannot control everything, so just enjoy and understand more, that will allow you to manipulate more of what is, which will allow more freedoms of existence on this level of existence that you are confined to.  Attempts to control it is a loss of control since you cannot stop the earth from spinning and the changes that are going to come in the big picutre that you know little about.

"Enjoy life - Loose your sense of control and you will gain more understanding to manipulate more as it will be given to you through your understanding of existence, which includes you." - J. Stallings

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Human wanting is the desire to control reality to be as you wish it to be NOW.  There is only now and the changes of now include everything.  This everything included means it takes changes which must be acknowledged and changed with everything.  If everything were to change for you to be as you want it to be right now, then you would be in control of reality. If that was the case, then most of what would be would not be and the changes you want to be will change everything to your interest. Since your knowledge of everything is limited, then what is will no longer be and existence would destruct or change to be nothing but what you want it to be. There are laws to reality and the things you want function on another level as you work WITH and WITHIN reality.

Wanting forms self struggle.  Stop wanting and simply love what it is you love and it will come to being through the processes of life and the necessary changes it must go through in order to produce that which you love. Love is the key.  Love of self is the key. They both produce function. One produces and has certain attributes and the other has function and attributes.

The seperation of knowledge of this existence and the existence of the sixth sense is what divides the truth. The truth is everything is here. Science is not interested in the whole truth to understand that which is possible and that which is in the sixth sense is not wanting to be understand that which explains the seen.  They both exist.  Keep wanting and find an imbalance of that which is and that which is possible through the means of life and must follow the rules, then you will struggle and keep wanting. Understand the connection between the reality of both those existence in this ONE reality and you might find happiness and peace, and then get what you want.

The Sixth Sense

It is obvious to me that the six sense is existent. It is there and can be an enhanced detection of the senses.  There is no study in school about it because little is known about it. It is viewed as myth or taboo in some cases, but it is there. Those that have an enhanced detection on that level is aware they have it.  There is nothing made up, all things exist and we are in that existence and come from it, but cannot create outside of it.  This makes me know that nothing is mine.  Nothing can be owned as yours because you are simply here as a part of the changes that occured.  The spiritual side or sense of things is unknown, so it is not taught in science.  There is a truth to all that is.  The understanding of that truth may be limited butthat is all it i, limited knowledge.  How can there be a book of unknown knowledge if it isn't known.  If two people are aware of a secret, the secret can be unknown by others, but it is still a secret that exists.  It becomes a book when many know of the truth and agree with it. The book began with the knowledge of a few that became truth to many through self evidence.  Self evidence will become strong enough to be understood and then that change that will be upon us will be a new book that will encourage new change.

The Senses

I titled this edition as the senses and not the human sense because sensing is not limited to our sensing. As a simple example I'll talk about the dog. The dog is not human. They are known for their incredible sensitivity to odor.  Dogs incredible sensing is incredible to us but not to them.  Dogs probably vary in their abilities. I can imagine that if dogs smelling abilities were like human vision some dogs would need smelling glasses. This is because my understanding that there is a huge range of dogs and they all differ. Dogs probably have biases towards other dogs as well based on sensing. If a dog has a bias towards another dog and the owner doesn't like the dogs aggressive reaction, then the owner wants to teach that dog. Dogs have to learn too. They are close to humans which is where the term mans best friend.  Well, man have bias too.  I wonder about these things, yet I see them as perfect.

Going back to the sensing.  The real matter here is that energy exchange is detectable. I have a way to sum it up. There is a magnetic field around us and life has adapted to live in that environment.  That spectrum of energy variations is due to variations.  Living organisms have adapted along the spectrum of the variations of the energy field.  The energy field has a full spectrum of energy exchange, humans have their limits within the full spectrum. Dogs have their limits which varies, but encompasses some of our limits.  They adapted to their specialization within their limits and have a featured energy exchange detection. The different energy detections equate to our different senses.  The different senses is adapted and working together. If a person has impared vision, another sense will adapat and pick up its senses and become the primary or featured sensory input.  This is wonderful and called adaptation or evolution, but not the subject of this topic.

Senses detect any energy exchange which travels different than the path of the earths magnetic field and has not become streamlined within it.  If all the energy was in a continuos even flow and perfectly streamlined and not exchanging on the surface of the physical matter which has accumulated around the magnetic field, then we would not have a surface to live on.  The variations of energy exchange would be so smooth and more perfect becoming undetectable and freezing.  As matter exchange with magnetic energy it changes the direction of a portion of the magnetic energy flow creating an environment which is variable and yet sustainable for long periods of time depending on the stability of the physical matter in the exchange.  Fish can have deserts in the ocean as we have deserts in our land.

If all energy was traveling uniformly and unimpeded to the main source of energy exchange, the center of our planets magnetic field, then life would not be able to exist here on our level because it is the presence of the variations of energy exchange that the earth has created making it habitable to this level of life we live within.  To explain how I came up with that understanding you take all lines of magnetic energy and make it smooth and perfect. It's traveling in one direction towards the earths core. This energy is smooth and seemless and you have no sound because audible to humans because the sound is on a whole other frequency and not exchanging energy to emit sound that we could possibly hear.  This is why vacuum of space has no sound. Also, let's look at the light we see. If there is no surface for light to exchange with, then you do not see light. Light emitting from a point is only visibly detectable because it detects energy exchange on the surface of visible physical matter. Sound is like the light, but sensed in a different way because it in itself is on a whole other band or spectrum of energy exchange. All these energy exchanges produce variations that life detects.  Each life has beomce a specialist in his own way in his detection. The lack of ability of a sensory to detect energy exchange is based on the environment.  This opens a whole other book of questions. What is the perfect environment to concieve a child or subject a child to curve the direction of changes and adaptation you want in order to have the adapted changes detectably noticeable and with the results you want?  I do not need to prove that these facts are true, because life itself is very maliable and adaptive which give life to a variety in life.  This variety is known as every living thing both seen and unseen and happens on all levels of exitence and not determined by us.  The better we understand our life through study of ourselves or through the life of other existence, then we can see how we are all connected from the simple fact that we are alive and connected because we are all living in the same environment and just have adapted to the variations of environments.

Blacks adapted to sun and have darker skin.  A child that is both black and white mix is probably an improvement and has traits of both parties which result in a person that can adapt into a direction of changes should it become subject to it. The less adaptable to changes the less changes that occur.  It is probably why the importance of our genes split between two people.  It is important to the adaptive stage of life. That is the beauty of it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The more an object exchanges energy the less you will see it.  Human eyes have adapted to seeing light. This light is exchanging with materials differently.  We do not see the light on its way to exchange with an object. We only see the exchange of it as it hits the object which is a resulting of a different energy that strikes your eye to exchange with it.  If you were hit in the eye with the full force of energy that is encompassed in light, you would be blind and have no need for eyes. It cannot handle the power of all the energy. If it did then you wouldn't be looking at light as a point of energy exchange giving you visibility to see. You would be blind because the light exchanges with all things in all levels. You can't see all energy exchange because you would see a wall. It would be the same as not having eyes.  Black allows a greater amount of energy exchange reducing the amount of energy that enters the eye to exchange.  Our eyes decipher the variations of energy exchanges and make an image.  This is how we see. We slow or reduce the energy exchange to a usable or detectable amount by exchanging with the blacks of our eyes.  I wonder if that's why birds and bugs have larger amounts of black.  The less the exchange the greater the focusing power. Also, the greater the perception of energy exchanges. Maybe that's why bugs and birds can spot us so easily because they filter out so much that their focus allows them to see massive changes and fine tune to a wider range of changes.  They go scurrying around and flying around and can see things so fast and so quickly you can only marvel at their advanced adaption to the changes they are in tune with.

This is adaptation. Adaptation is a change to the changes of energy exchanges that are occurring in your environment.  This is called evolution.  Evolution is true. It is spoken of, thus it is true.  Everything exists.  To say something doesn't exist is saying only what you want to exist exists and if it isn't what you understand then it doesn't exist. This denial of existence is denial of understanding. Denial to understand is to remain unchanged. Since everything around is changing and adapting because it has to in order to remain with the change then to remain unchanged is to change to the point of extinction. After all, there are no large massive land mammals walking around the earth although they did.  Change is inevitable.

The adaption to a focused energy level is all that is going on here. The whole spectrum of energy exchange is still occurring and cannot be stopped. The fact that we put it out of our minds is a way of being focused.  That is great.  Meanwhile, everything is still going on in the universe.  Release your mind from thinking you control and it is a way of looking beyond your focus of yourself and what humans and life is.  You will see the life of all things and the oneness you have with it as you are in it. Its beautiful.  I cry each time I think of it because it is so beautiful.  I am but a child in this new world of oneness.  My mind struggles to understand it more and more. I'll share it with you as I see it clearer and clearer.  What you do with it is your own.  I did not create anything. I am simply enjoying the understanding I have with all that is created to what degree I can understand it.  It is like being in heaven. I want to see more. It isn't with my eyes.

Union of Division

Over and over you will see in explanation how I try to show the proof that opposites do not exist.  Opposites do exist, but it exists in the human mind.  Opposites divide reality because of visible differences which is what many focus on. Focusing on one thing detracts from the awareness of a full picture. Focus on the similarities will take the next step of finding the union of ourselves, our existence and all that existence in the full scale of existence in reality.  The similarities are what make us and everything in existence part of the ONE.  Our awareness of the differences create perspective.  Perspective is the same as opposite. Both are facts that opposites and perspective is an exaggeration of the focus of a one sided or narrow understanding.  If there is a narrow or one sided understanding, then the other side is considered less or not as important.

How does anything in existence become not important? They are all important. The unimportance or lesser significance of something in creation comes from the minds focus on something, which is normally a focus on the limited understanding, which blocks out the full understanding.  Now this is interesting and important in itself. The narrow focus of something makes something an expert at something, which emphasises the difference. This is very important to the whole picture, and it is what is the beauty of the whole picture.

As an example of a law of reality I want to use something we all know is there yet cannot see, air. Air is not as visible as water.  Water allows the conduction of energy through it. Easy to understand. It allows the sound to conduct through it easily, because of how fluid it is. Easy to understand. Air allows sound to go through it. Water and air allow electricity to pass through it. All examples that are easy to understand.  These things are made of the same thing, but one carries different properties than the other.  What would be some examples of differences of water and air?  First thing many would say is we breath air. We can't breath water. Both contain oxygen and hydrogen.  They both conduct energy. They react differently to energy? No, they both act the same to energy. They are in different environments and that's why it appears they act different to energy. Let me explain that. If light passes through water and lair the same light energy is passing the same energy through both objects. The interactions of the objects will change the direction of energy exchange and produce different VISIBLE exchanges. The exchanges are the same. Keep it simple.  Now add other elements into each of the examples and you get a different reaction of energy transfer, but you still get energy transfer. The amount of and type of interaction produce a different type of visible exchange.  If heat does not exchange, then it is transfered into something else. The energy is always there because energy is full encompassing.  The reaction of energy exchange is differing on each element, but the exchange is always the same.  It is just different based on what it exchanges with.  There is only one thing that is the same, Energy exchange. It is the constant and remaining the same on all levels of existence. The exchanging of energy is the same, the difference is in the manipulation of the energy exchanged and with what did energy exchange with.