The presence of things you do know is also present with that which you do not know. Thus, any persons reactions are based on the light and the dark, which is knowledge and ignorance. What is interesting is that some react more so on the ignorance while under self assumptions they are acting upon knowledge or what they do know. This is because they are unaware of the ignorance that has hold of them. There is in fact more ignorance to human than imaginable because there is a whole new universe of knowledge that isn't even fathomable because it is outside the reach of our physical senses.
The fact that I just said that will leave many to responde to exactly what I mentioned. The reaction of people reading just what I wrote will be based on ignorance, yet it will be dictated as knowledge and I will be assumed the ignorant. The knowledge of what I understand is not a complete knowledge, but a bit more to add to the knowledge of man. A person that finds the meaning in what I write here is the person that has stepped outside the sphere to add to his sphere. I strive to do the same because other rules of existence apply that I must adhere to. Everyone is right, everything is true. Thus, I will struggle not as I accept all reality as reality by understanding the limitations of that reality based on what I do and do not understand. This is, as some would describe, speaking in cirlces. That is part of why I prefer to use the sphere over the box. The beginning and end is where? Reality just is. All of reality IS. Accept it all and learn to adjust to all realities and make them part of your own reality and you will see the beauty in all reality. It is all beautiful if you can see it. What will play out from our ignorance is perfectly normal because that is how ignorance reacts upon the universe, as ignorant. Knoweldge will have it's say in this world, but since all the minds on the earth cannot solve for everything, then there is no one straight answer to all of reality from our human way of existence. There is no confusion. There is no answer. There just is. Everything is right. What is everything? Your reaction will be perfectly normal. Examine that reaction and you might find yourself outside of your bubble. That is the fun part. Adding to your reactions with new information. Adding to self by including more of something from what is. You are what you understand, and you are what you do not understand. You are everything and nothing. There is no separation of reality from reality. The whole universe isn't based on what you DO understand, but is based on what is. What is has not been created or determined by self. Your reactions will show you something if you look outside yourself, which will reveal inside yourself. This is a circle, so I speak in circles. That is infinity and how things work. Everything is connected. Everything IS!
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