Monday, June 29, 2009


We know mostly nothing.

Contradiction: Inconsistency
a statement that conflicts with facts or consistency of another statement. The truth of a contradiction is one fact weighs more factual to a person over another. Someone sees a partial detail and assumes it to be the whole truth. This failure to see a connection of something else being true. All things in existence are true. How they are true may not be seen, thus the link to a full circle is missing from the mind. I can use a simple example to demonstrate how this works.

Two people talking, person A and person B:
A: "You are breathing carbon dioxide."
B: "No I'm not. I'm breathing oxygen."
A: "You are breathing carbon dioxides as well."
B: "I exhale carbon dioxides but I only breathe oxygen."
A: "You're also breathing nitrogen."
B: "You're crazy. Humans breathe oxygen."

This simple example is simple to some, but may be difficult for others who have locked out the truth of breathing something other than oxygen. Person B is telling you what they don't know, but so is person A. Person A is telling you what they do know. Most people might simply agree with person A. That is because most people might understand that we breathe oxygen and carbon dioxides because we are aware they both are present in the air. What else is there in the air. There is more, but the fact that most poeple are not aware of what else makes up air (which I call water by the way) we conclude on things. Conclusions is a prison of the mind into believing one thing. If it isn't proven, then it isn't true? There isn't a human alive that can make up anything. Everything is made. With everything made, then everything is true. How is the truth real. It is made true by the proven connections which make them more apparent. For example; Humans need oxygen, water and food. Food comes from the earth. Water comes from the earth and oxygen comes from the air (I believe water, like everything else, comes from the earth because I live on earth and plants make oxygen and water contains oxygen and all of it comes from the earth). So everything comes from the earth, but with someone saying that air comes form air and food coming from earth is a way to divide that which is whole. You don't have an earth without the air around it. Space is divided from us as well because as humans we can't survive there in our unprotected state. The universe cannot be divided. It can be studied and assembled back into the big picture, but never is it divided because one is part of everything. The more the minds sees the oneness of all things, the more this truth becomes evident. The interesting part is, the more you become aware of the oneness, the more beautiful the universe is to you. There is a state of happiness and beauty that is in the mind and body. There is a state of oneness. That level of oneness unlocks the mind. It opens a curiosity to want to understand more of what things are and their connection to us, because everything is connected. That is mentioning the awareness of the oneness.

If I took the minds and experiences of everything and everyone on this planet earth, to include animal life as well, and put this in one mind, the one mind still would not know everything. This is because as humans we are aware that this planet earth is not the universe. We are also aware of the fact that we do not know where the beginning and end is. This is what creates infinity. The awareness of infinity reveals a truth of the supreme being understood to be God. The knowledge of God and his presence is not a knowledge of God and so emphasis is given by some who have knowledge of something. That emphasis is exaggerated into a religion. Religion is a part of reality. One plant is a part of reality. You are a part of reality. There is a whole reality. The truth of what I understand is not a complete truth of reality nor a knowledge of God.

Looking at the fact that you would not know everything even if you had all the knowledge of everything alive, you can conclude then that we do not know everything. This is a given. Humans do not know everything. If you do not know everything, and what you do know as an INDIVIDUAL is so miniscule to what there is to know that what do can say just as equally as saying what you do know is that you know mostly NOTHING. Nothing is, in fact, something. What is nothing.

"Nothing: Is not a nothing as in no such thing. Everything being existence means nothing is something. Therefore, nothing is everything you do not understand."

If I knew everything that God knew, then I would be ONE with him, for I would be as him or be him for I would not be different from him. I am not God. I do not understand Him nor much of anything. Everything exists. Everything is real and cannot be made up. Therefore, what is is. What you know to be, is. What you know to be is only part of what is. What is, IS. Therefore, you know mostly nothing since what you know is so miniscule. Knowing nothing speaks louder than something. The realization of that truth is having an open mind. That is a GOOD THING? No, that is what is. What is is different. Differences coexist. Coexistence is changing. Changing is what everything is doing for if all stopped changing, then all would be Nothing. All we understand is change. What we fear most is difference. What we fear is nothing. Nothing is what we do not understand. Everything is mostly nothing. We know nothing about everything there is to know about everything. Nothing creates as does something creates. Love creates as does hated. Everything is connected. We need to know more of something in order to create. Where we get more of something is in fact from NOTHING.

Let's examine that. Nothing is everything we do not know. Thus we are mostly doing nothing compared to the ONE who knows everything. What I find interesting is we are humans and we refer to the ONE as humanlike or living. This is interesting but a whole new discussion. Coming back now. If a person is born knowing nothing, they see and learn from the world and they start to know things. The things they know came from the world. The child is born not knowing about air. Air is a mixture of oxygen, argon, hydrogen, nitrogen and so on. The child doesn't know this. He is breathing and becomes curious of his actions. What am I doing? I'm moving my chest and inhaling and exhaling. This is important. The curiousity of what is Unknown then turns out to be the known through research and learning. The curiousity of what we do not know can introduce nothing into something. Nothing is everything we do not know. It changes into something. They are always there. What is there is more than we understand. The child becomes a man and has learned that we breath oxygen and nitrogen and demonstrates that he has learned about air and oxygen and our dependency on it. Then he dies and someone becomes curious about well. we understand oxygen is needed to live, but where is oxygen coming from? Now this new child is curious of oxygen because the knowledge of breathing has given him that curiousity.

Let's take ignorance, the part of nothing or not knowing. You know we need oxygen. Then you stay believing that is all there is to learn. EVERYTHING has been learned about oxygen and the bodies needs for air. Then you also conclude and live by law the knowledge that air is AIR and it is separate from water and the earth and the universe. Then we say we understand the earth's atmosphere and how it is held in place and how it works. Then we stay stuck on those things and believe them to our grave. We don't get curious about well why is that, and why is this? We are prisoned by our understanding. What we understand is mostly nothing. We are imprisoned by the assurance that we know something. Thus we do not care to change to open the mind to invoke knew thought and understanding and the connection of the oneness that connects us. The full circle of existence. We live in separation and ignorance. It becomes the mind. It kills us as it changes our existence back to everything. What is that everything?

What is everything? Is there such thing as everything? How can it be possible for everything to exist if everything is constantly changing? If everything is changing in order to exist, then is there an ending to existence? We know mostly about nothing, therefore, NOTHING is all you speak of. What is that Nothing. We need to learn about that NO THING that does exist. WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND NOTHING.

If I take something new, that no one has heard of or believes in or understands, then I say the world is round in a world where all believe the world to be flat, then I would be the fool that has introduced NOTHING into the world of something. If I say air is water, diluted by something else, but nonetheless, it's water too. That's what fis live in, that's what we are mostly made of and rely on, and all air can be liquified in it's pure state. We say fish don't know they are in water. We are the ignorant one because fish may know that better than we do, but we take our assumptions and put it in their minds. We assume we are the only intelligence in life, therefore, we fail to see the beauty of all existing intelligence. We live in hell in our little bubbles separated from the beauty of existence, apart from the oneness of all things. We marvel at ourselves and what little we know and we flaunt it and give praise to our ignorance without even knowing it. We are fish in water and don't even know it. We are not fish, I say, as I correct your mind from focusing on the negativity of a comment which overlooks the meaning. Words have no meaning. Meaning is not seen. Meaning is everything. Nothing is everything. Everything is everything. We know nothing.

Who are you? - you are what you're doing.
What are you doing? - You're doing what you understand.
What should you be doing? - We do not know because we know mostly nothing.
The answer is right in front of you. - What is in front of me is everything.
The question is, can you see it? - We can only see some of what is to see. How do we see what we cannot see? You open your mind.
How do you open your mind to it? - You just be curious and understand all that is in front of you is not everything. It might very well be the answer is: Do nothing, DO NOT EVEN THINK. Just look and you will understand something new. The mind opens and let it in. Creation will give to you, YOU CANNOT Create what is created. You can understand more of what is and that will give you pleasures that you cannot imagine. Understanding is wonderful. Understanding what is is the greatest pleasures of life. Enjoy the beauty of everything and invite in all that is Nothing to us.

Nothing is everything that is NOT YOU! What are you? Remember, You are what you understand. If you are White, try to understand other people. If you like sushi, try to understand why others like hamburgers. You don't like sushi? No problem, someone else does. Let reality be as it is, enjoy the differences. That is the beauty of life. The variety of what is. If everything was hamburgers and you love hamburgers, then life would be all you. That would be boring. If you can't see past yourself, then you can't see the beauty of life. Nothing is everything that isn't you. Enjoy the differences and everything that isn't you. The funny thing is, you'll then realize you have become one with it although it was different. It's beautiful. Try it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is a beautiful concept to realize and will bring happiness if you can grasp it.  I am feeling a happiness just writing this.  There is no such thing as ignorance.  There is no such thing as opposites. There is no such thing as one over anohter.  There is no such thing as no such thing. Existence is. Is is. The ONE is. All is. Everything is. Everything is part of everything. You are a part of is. Is just is. Differences is variations of what is. Variations of what is just is. The variations are the differences that is. Change is the results of the difference of that which Is. Exchange is the reaction of one Is on another Is.  This is because Is is existing with what Is. What Is is going to change because change Is what created the Is in the first place and in order for Is to exist, change must exist. If everything stopped changing, then what Is will remain as Is and to remain unchanged is Death or Nothing. The nothing doesn't exist because the Nothing Is the One that Is and the One that is Is and all that Is Not. We do not know what Is is nor what Not Is. We only know what we know.

Let's simplify this IS.  I hope you gathered that Is is Everything. Everything Is and just Is.  The property of Is is change. The reason Is exists is because of change. Change made Is.  Without change everything would be nothing. Stand still.  There is No aging, moving, changing, no wind, no hot, no cold.  There is NOTHING, yet there IS. IS is something and IS is the ONE that allowed or created that which Is the Is we know. We know Is as everything that Is, but we do not know what IS is in the sense of Nothing being Is. I hope that hasn't confused you. Nothing and Everything Is the ONE. Since we do not know Nothing, and we do not know everything, then what do we know?  If you knew everything about everything and nothing, then YOU would be the ONE and the ONE would be you. The existence of US is exactly that. A beautiful intricate part of what Is.  Realization of that is what makes us release ourselves from struggle. Struggle is not really there. It's the nothing part. I can prove it. Read the next post. Just remember that Is is. 

Since everything is, there cannot be such a thing as Nothing in the sense that we know it. That nothing is something, but we will never know of it because Infinite cannot be contained.  The truth is best said this way, "What you know is exactly that.  Just what you know. What is, IS! Therefore, you ARE what you know.  The things you know does not mean that everything else is Nothing.  So, you call everything else, nothing.  Nothing is everything else and since you are not one with it you are just as IS.  What else IS is not what you know and has been given a name. When you know everything, you will realize that there is Nothing to not know, therefore, the word Nothing will not exist. If there is no such thing as Nothing then what is there to talk about? In other words, Infinity is not limitation.  Limitations is part of what is only to the elements of being the Part of what Is, but we are part of what IS as the whole.  The things I do not know is part of what Is and also part of these words.  The truth is not words.  My words are speaking of what IS and what Is not part of me. I am not everything, thus I am not correct. I can only speak from limitations. That is why what I say is only some of what IS. The truth of what is cannot be spoken as Is for there is no word to say Everything. The word we use is God, The One, Jesus, and Is or Reality.  These are used because that is how we use them. We are not Everything, we are part of everything.  Enjoy that which Is.  You are Is, Is is Is. Everything Is. What is that? There is no word for it for words come from being a part of this finite changes of existence in the infinite existence. 

"Words mostly describe Nothing, yet it describes what Is.  We know so little about what Is that we do not realize what we do not know. The sum of what we do know is mostly Nothing and since most of what we know is Nothing, then we speak mostly of exactly that. Nothing is everything we do not know, yet it Is. If you new everything then would there be such a thing as ignorance or nothing to speak of?"
J. Stallings - 02 June 09