Saturday, October 6, 2012

We Drink Rocks

Dining at dinner, if you call it that, I at meat and veggies
The server, if you call it that, asks if I would like a drink.
No, thank you! I say with clear conscience.
Offers continued in different forms, soda, tea, water?
No, Thank You! My smile was big, my eyes stare with clarity.
Surprised walked away from me. What evil have I stirred.
Like water, I will have none this meal.

A few hours later Thirst sat on my tongue. Thirst I Say!
The shower water tasted so good.
I am craving rocks in my mouth
My body lacks minerals
Interesting how I found out!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Early Morning

A beautiful song is touching me
I close my ears to hear it
I know not what it means
I dare not wonder nor ask
My ears are hearing it
It is beautiful not to be

A beautiful light is touching me
I close my eyes to see it
I know not what it means
I dare not wonder nor ask
My eyes are seeing it
It is beautiful to not to be

Dancing lights and beautiful song
I dare not join the scene
Sitting still watching and listening
As the song and dance hold me

The song stops at the bush
Four berries is enough
The lights dance to the grass
Five seeds is enough
The dance and song moves to waters edge
Four drops is enough
Song and dance then leaves

With song and dance now gone
I return the four drops of water
With now open eyes and ears
The song and dance continues
But know not what it means
I dare not wonder nor ask
It is beautiful to be

Jami Stallings
05 FEB 2012