How does anything in existence become not important? They are all important. The unimportance or lesser significance of something in creation comes from the minds focus on something, which is normally a focus on the limited understanding, which blocks out the full understanding. Now this is interesting and important in itself. The narrow focus of something makes something an expert at something, which emphasises the difference. This is very important to the whole picture, and it is what is the beauty of the whole picture.
As an example of a law of reality I want to use something we all know is there yet cannot see, air. Air is not as visible as water. Water allows the conduction of energy through it. Easy to understand. It allows the sound to conduct through it easily, because of how fluid it is. Easy to understand. Air allows sound to go through it. Water and air allow electricity to pass through it. All examples that are easy to understand. These things are made of the same thing, but one carries different properties than the other. What would be some examples of differences of water and air? First thing many would say is we breath air. We can't breath water. Both contain oxygen and hydrogen. They both conduct energy. They react differently to energy? No, they both act the same to energy. They are in different environments and that's why it appears they act different to energy. Let me explain that. If light passes through water and lair the same light energy is passing the same energy through both objects. The interactions of the objects will change the direction of energy exchange and produce different VISIBLE exchanges. The exchanges are the same. Keep it simple. Now add other elements into each of the examples and you get a different reaction of energy transfer, but you still get energy transfer. The amount of and type of interaction produce a different type of visible exchange. If heat does not exchange, then it is transfered into something else. The energy is always there because energy is full encompassing. The reaction of energy exchange is differing on each element, but the exchange is always the same. It is just different based on what it exchanges with. There is only one thing that is the same, Energy exchange. It is the constant and remaining the same on all levels of existence. The exchanging of energy is the same, the difference is in the manipulation of the energy exchanged and with what did energy exchange with.
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