Think about it for a second....
Now to further my explanation. Magnetic energy is constantly around us. Remove US from the picture. Have a single living cell or organism. This single organism is a functioning in and on the scale of magnetic energy. Motion is nothing more than energy exchange. If energy exchange occurs this means that energy changed. If energy changed it was really a manipulation of energy from state to state or through a conductor. Our existence is mostly water, bone and muscle which is manipulated by electrical impulses. Where does the energy that we get from this electricity to exist come from? The air in which we breathe. Not the air, but it's all around us. It's permiating our body and our existence and is being manipulated on a scale that we do not understand. The magnetic energy of the earth we are living on is the energy source of our existence. We manipulate it to move and function.
Electricity is a manipulation of magnetic energy flow. The presence of both poles of magnetic energy is present or some other explanation that requires our greater understanding is necessary to explain our existence in this electrical world we live in. We live in electricity, or better stated, we live in a world of masterfully manipulated magentic energy by the cellular and microbiological world which we do not understand. The prize is magnetic energy. What is it? Electricity is not electricity in the sense of flowing electrons, but more like magnetic energy flow or exchange that has been manipulated and used for useful things. The same way we have used magnetic energy is the same way the rest of living things have learned to harness magnetic energy in all its different forms. We have a long way to understand. Open your mind and let truth in.
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