As described in Wikipedia - Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract one another. In everyday life, gravitation is most commonly thought of as the agency which lends weight to objects with mass. Gravitation compels dispersed matter to coalesce, thus it accounts for the very existence of the Earth, the Sun, and most of the macroscopic objects in the universe. It is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around the Earth, for the formation of tides; for convection (by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a temperature gradient and gravity); for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; and for various other phenomena that we observe. Modern physics describes gravitation using the general theory of relativity, in which gravitation is a consequence of the curvature of space time which governs the motion of inertial objects. The simpler Newton's law of universal gravitation provides an excellent approximation for most calculations.
"Motion is not motion as in kinetic and potential energy. Motion is matter moving in the direction of transfered energy or energy exchange. All things in existence is exchanging energy, thus change is constant. The level of exchange is visible while other energy exchange is lengthy and not so visible. We do not determine the rate of energy exchange (change), but we also do not determine the presence of change. That was deteremined at the creation of the material itself."
My definition - Gravitation: The human word given to the transfer of energy in a specific direction towards a physically visible object.
If a wire is a great conductor of electricity, and water a great conductor of sound energy, then what is space a great conductor of? I think it's a great conductor of all energy. If heat and light can reach me from light years away, and objects can travel in it floating unimpeded until the direction of energy is changed in front of it, to me it is conducting that energy extremely efficiently.
Many would not agree with that because they cannot imagine the vast open of space is actually filled with energy itself. If it is void you have nothing and nothing is there. That is from human perspective until proven otherwise. I am able to understand that something is there and because I put it there through my understanding of the laws of reality, I can imagine these facts without proof. The proof is self evident. Understanding may not be with those who see half a picture and live by a proven science existence.
All proven science must go through scrutiny and attempts of being disproven to be approved and accepted. That is the normal path of things much like the belief in witches cost people many lives, and the earth was flat until proven and the thinker of the earth as round was a fool. Tesla was out of his mind until his energy manipulation became profitable. Oh, now he's great. Reality is so simple to understand it cannot be argued. I can prove everything I say.
To understand this you have to give a physical presence to energy. Energy is what everything is and has. This energy is exchanged. Things move as it exchanges energy and all materials in existence can transfer or exchange energy. There isn't a single thing in existence that cannot conduct energy, thus all things in existence is energy and exchanges energy with its environment. The rate of energy exchange is different and how it exchanges is different. The greater the likeness the easier the exchange. The greater the difference the more reaction to the exchange.
The motion of objects around the earth trapped in it's magnetic field is not based on gravitational pull of objects nor based on mass or density. It is based on the DIRECTION OF ENERGY TRANSFER. The energy transfered from an object is then transfered into other objects. Energy transfer is directed more inward towards the earth center due to the presence of magnetic energy. I see it this way by including the presence of magnetic energy and then removing the presence of magnetic energy and watching the objects travel in my mind. If an object is MASSIVE but holds not magnetic energy or properties, it will not colesce and form a planet and start spinning. Those actions are based on the presence of magentic energy which has properties unknown to man.
In my mind I tossed a frisby into air away from the surface of the earth. I began to spin and the earth was massive and had no magnetic energy to it at all. The energy was then free to transfer in the direction I tossed it as it floated into space and kept it's coarse uninterrupted. It passed another object of massive size, but did not coalesce with the massive object because the lack of magnetic energy. If the object changed it's coarse it will be because of the energy transfer direction impacting its coarse and changed it's path due to energy transferring into it and affecting it. The whole answer is this. The reason an object falls back to earth is not a description of gravitational pull, but rather the direction of energy transfer. THAT IS THE TRUTH which has now unlocked my mind to a whole new truth of how a sphere is formed, the reason for the earths spin and the reason for our rotation around the earth. It's simpler than a description of a bend in time space forming a bowl shape around the sun that we so perfectly revolve around without smashing into the sun. Time is irrelevant to infinity and perfection, thus to include it in the equations is to use it for a finite solution or understanding. That is understandable, but not the whole picture. There is no time to infinity, thus there is only the NOW or just IS in reality. All of reality is, IS.
Einstein is labeled genius, but Einstein had predecessors. Einstein and his predecessors have gotten us this far into understanding. There is more to understand and build upon that which our forefathers have uncovered. The next level of understanding is upon us. This will cause science to be rewritten and rediscovered with the new truths about reality. Open your mind. You can make a change when you do. The greater the resistance to understanding what is next to understand is to deny reality and to remain unchanged in this ever changing existence. That leads to extinction of some sort or kind. Change MUST happen as it is a law of existence and not a single human can stop it.
In order to understand this description of how energy exchange controls the direction of motion, you must give up the fact that you control energy and see that you are just like anything else. You simply learned to manipulate it. It is already created and it is in everything. You manipulate it's direction, but you do not control it. It just is and because it is energy and exists it has a different owner. The onwer is the one that created or is it. It just IS.
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