"To think you are in control is a loss of control."
How is someone in control? The universe came before us, thus it is in control, but it isn't in control of itself. It is existing in the confines of the laws of reality. These laws are in control. The freedom to exist is just that. These freedoms are the rights of everything in existence. If it wasn't it's right then it wouldn't exist. The interesting part of this existence is the fact that we are an aftermath of a bunch of things to exist. We are the primitive existence since it existed before we did. But this thinking is including time which is irrelivent. We are not primitive, but rather a part of what exists. The reason for that is Now is just different. This existence I speak of is the physical part of our existence I speak of. To speak of another level of existence (ie. spiritual) is beyond my comprehension and although it is part of this existence in every way, because it exists, is where there is a gap in understanding between the relation of the ONE existence that exists. To understand the full scope of existence you have to include everything. These limitations are set when people form conclusions that things have been solidly solved and are true facts.
I wonder when did all facts become solidly true when they do not include truths of everything in existence. This oneness and connection to all of existence is part of the whole picture and our knowledge of a peice of that picture is not the full picture.
Everything in existence that we see as not living, as in a rock, is considered non living and doesn't die. There isn't a death in it but changes in it. It too is permanent. The reason for that is exchange is different on every level. If the rock we stand on called earth is necessary for us to be here, and our entire lives depend on the rock and water that we exist on, eat, drink and build from is less than us, then why is it even here? It is needed to be here before we are here. Our appreication for the changes that made it be is what we should give over a classification causing seperation of us from it by identifying differences, making it insignificant to all of existence. Find our similarities and work towards understanding how it is related to our existence. It exists before we existed, thus it will exist after our existence changes. Without it we do not exist. This means we should form a union with that which is through expansion of knowledge. This knowledge is acknowledgement of its existence. To see the beauty of the existence of it you must first see it. Understanding the relation of it to you is to see more of the beauty of what it means to us and our relation to it.
Begin in your mind with the beginning of the universe. Then the formation of the galaxies. Then in those galaxies. Then the formation of our solar system. Then see our planet form within the solar system. Then the beginnings of environment which gives place for our life and our existence. This is interesting isn't it. When did you control anything that made you become here in existence? When did anyone control the earth or its existence for it to even exist? How then can you control what is here. Now if the earth is here and we come from and depend on the earth, how do we think we are in control of it least ourselves?
Let's take another look at existence. Think of the smallest atom (which isn't the smallest form of existence). Then think of the formation of the things to come like the first materials, rocks, and magnetic energy. Then energy kept changing and making things form as they changed over exchanges of changes. These changes gave shape to the existence of things. The existence of things kept on changing and forming matter and materials. These materials formed shapes and these shapes were manipulated in the energy because they are part of the changes that came from exchanging forms of energy. These shapes then took on rocks and planets and stellar objects. Then the energy was exchanged out widely and kept on changing because the changes kept forcing more changes to occur which resulted in a shapely form to the changes. These changes kept repeating the pattern and doing the same thing over and over making levels of changes occur but in a pattern over and over spreading the changes that make up the existence we are in now.
There are two ways to look at the existence. From the biggest to the smallest and the smallest to the biggest. They are both equally existing and cannot be seperated. This means they are one of each other and none of existence without each other. This is the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. The meaning is the existence is made from the smallest of things, but existence is large and gives place for the smallest to exist in. This is infinity in a ball of oneness. There are rules that make it connected and the rules are on all levels of existence. That depth of understanding is going to work to find the connection between it all which might lead to our understanding that we are not in control of it but merely a part of it. The oneness of physical existence, our existence and our spiritual sense of existence is all there. How do they relate and what is the relation to the one whole picture of existence? Energy is in control.
These changes and things that occur are on the laws of reality. They are repeated over and over and apply to all of existence on levels that we do not understand, yet occur repeatedly but changing making new things occur. This is a permanence to the presence of existence. This permanence is beautiful as it goes through changes creating and forming and becoming. The knowledge and energy is creating and changing as it spreads out throughout existence, but on all levels is the laws of reality which exist on all levels. The understanding of the connection between these changes is interesting. If you connect with the understanding that all things are on the laws of reality and the changes are making changes and this infinite cycle of changes is because of the exchanges that create change still fall under ONE big picture and thusly, all connected because of existence is equal, then you might find your beauty of enjoyment of the life and changes that have come from what is here and will change into. These are out of your control. To think you control it is a loss of control. The control you have if you have any is very controlled because of the boundaries that are set to our parameters. Understanding the relation with the connection of our existence in this one existence is to enjoy the pleasures of existence on a greater peice of the existence. It's beautiful, but you can't see all of it. That's accepting the limitation of your existence and enjoying what you are in your existence.
Now if energy is existing and we are part of the energy that exists and changes and forms undertanding to become existing, then we need to understand that energy is in control of existence. Who controls energy, it just exists and that is made by the ONE who knows everything about our existence. Since we do not know about everything, then we clearly can understand that there is someone beyond our understanding that does understand. If you took the intelligence of every human mind in existence and gave that knowledge to one person, you still wouldn't know everything. This means that we are incapable of knowing everything.
Understanding that we are incapable of knowing everything, least you be the ONE that made all that is, is an understanding that helps one to open the mind to further the understanding of things that exist outside of yourself. You do not even control yourself fully in the sense you think. You manipulate what is here and that is energy. We have learned to be and manipulate energy in this physical world. Energy is on all levels and is in motion. The control over our existence is more on the side of energy exchange and change. We can enjoy our existence and understand more of what exists in order to learn to manipulate more of existence. This is how life becomes resilient and attempts to maintain place in existence. You cannot control everything, so just enjoy and understand more, that will allow you to manipulate more of what is, which will allow more freedoms of existence on this level of existence that you are confined to. Attempts to control it is a loss of control since you cannot stop the earth from spinning and the changes that are going to come in the big picutre that you know little about.
"Enjoy life - Loose your sense of control and you will gain more understanding to manipulate more as it will be given to you through your understanding of existence, which includes you." - J. Stallings