Saturday, January 10, 2009

Beauty of Life

The beauty of life is the changes of life. The changes of life bring on new life and new changes. As mentioned earlier, Change is the most beautiful thing in existence. There is creation itself and from creation comes all things. I cannot be here without the presence of my parents. My parents cannot be here without theirs and so on. The presence of humans cannot be without the presence of this earth, sun, solar system, universe and ultimately God Himself. We live off the earth and it lives with us.

I took my imagination to two things in existence, people and water. The people can reproduce and consume water. The water is doing the same. The water will overcome the people in a finite space and people will become extinct. The water will be consumed by the people and dry up. To create a continued existence, balance must happen and balance requires changes and evolving which produce new changes and new environments which create new conditions and circumstances. This cycle is revolutionary and evolutionary. The key point of focus I'm bringing in this topic is this; Change is beautiful as it produces the beautiful kaleidoscope of existence. This constant changing creates differences. These differences are what make us and everything in existence different. The beauty of life is the variety in life. The variety in life is beautiful. If you can see that then you see how everything is there to be loved, learned from and understood as it is what it is. It is not here for your pleasures of willing it to be what you want it to be, but it is here as the beauty and the result of an intricate balance of life itself. Release attempts to control reality by wanting and judging life as it should be in relation to your understanding, but further yourself and become one with it by understanding reality and realize the limitations of your control in this reality are set at the boundaries of your own existence.

Change is difference and we, as humans, are attracted to change yet many dislike changes which are not satisfying to self or self understanding. Resisting the changes that are trying to happen naturally in reality, which resulted from the changes imposed on it to make the changes it is making, becomes self struggle. Now reality is doing what it is on its own and is not imposing anything against anyone. One's relationship with those changes can then come into play and this is where one needs to recognize self in the world of changes and differences which are occuring. The changes that occur in your immediate reality are actually stemming from the results of the infinite changes that started since the beginning of existence, but who can make those connections? Realizing reality and its connection to self allows one to see self the big picture of reality and self intertwined in the midst of changes and differences that are occuring. This helps you to identify what you are and what you are in reality.

Many function in a way of trying to get from reality what they want without making self change. This comes in the form of what I call self love. This loving self is so powerful that it pushes one to demand from reality immediate changes to give right NOW the changes that it wants to satisfy self. This love for self is, nonetheless love. People view this love as selfishness, hatred, evil, bad and any other colorful nickname you can think of to describe the one meaning of self love.

This resistance to balance, which is change, which is normal and necessary, which is beautiful for being is a futile resistance to ones own existence. After all, it is the existence of things that came before us that make up us and what we are. Going outside the box releases the human focus of all things revolve around self. If you don't understand and you dislike that, then see what it is that you do not understand rather than create a dislike for what is there for you to understand. You can change only one thing in this reality and it has an affect on reality. To expect reality to be what you want it to be without a change from self is demanding to be in control of Gods reality which is what you are in.

Now looking at self in reality. Think of this. You are you. You are angry at something because you don't like it. I wish to make one point. There are 9.6 billion realities on earth right now in human form and growing. What will be the changes to come. If you were the person beside you and they didn't like you, then you can see their point of what they don't like. Then you can be someone else that doesn't like the smell of kimchi (a korean food made from fermented cabbage and chili). What about that reality? You will always be angry. You are simply one thing, angry at your own existence for it's not what you want it to be. That anger is directed at reality which is a power struggle to force reality to be what you want it to be. Acting against reality is living in Hell. Hell is what you create and you are not God, nor do you have control over anything outside of yourself. Release yourself from self interest and see the beauty of life and enjoy the cycle of changes by seeing what you can do in the circle of life. What or who did you just make unhappy to bring about your happiness to please yourself? You didn't do anything wrong to anyone or anything, just as no one is doing anything wrong to you. Balance is the key.

Realizing self helps with decision making in things that are more related to those things in reality that can be changed. That limitation is set to yourself. You cannot control reality, but you can control your reality. This change in self then impacts and changes your surrounding which is reality. The surrounding changes then change because like anything else in reality, it must react to you as you are in it's reality. This reality outside of yourself will change and you will have changed it not by changing or judging it, but by changing yourself through understanding gained FROM the reality around you which then became a part of you. You are what you understand. What you understand is not something you created, but something you gained an understanding from that which was already created. This connection to the existence outside of yourself is now part of you. You are part of it. It will change when you change and you will change when you open thy mind to it. Then you are changed. Change in self comes FROM reality that is. Your understanding of it, outside of your assumptions of your understanding, is what leads to the changes in self, which lead to the changes outside of self because the rules of reality apply to all reality. Since everything is real it to must change. What changes are occuring is based on you as well as you are based on it. This is the connection of self AND reality. Both are one. You are reality, but you are only a part of reality. All must change as that is the way existence is built in an balance to remain in existence. I think.......... Thus, a rule of reality is it must change. Change is the balance. Live with it, and live in happiness. Changes you make come from reality. Changes it makes come from you. Your reality is not YOUR OWN REALITY but the reality of existence itself and it keeps on changing. What is the ugliness or evil in that? There isn't any. There is only self love, or love of all things in reality. No one is trying to hurt you. It is what it is. It is a Beautiful Heaven, waiting for you to enter it through your existence which is inside you. You are your gate to your heaven.

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