Sunday, November 30, 2008

Believe Everything

Everything is true and exists. How and where it exists is what one needs to see to understand this meaning. Understand the creativity and beauty of everything and you will realize that everything is perfect. Since everything is perfect and exists, you should believe it. To elaborate lets look at something you see on television. You watch a monster movie and you say there are no such things as monsters. Well the creativity of that monster can be found somewhere in reality. Every aspect of the monster exists. Sharp teeth or fangs meant for biting meat exists somewhere. Blood drinking exists. Slime and the purpose of slime exists. The feeling of touching slime and the disgust with certain things exist. Disappearing from one place to another in a fast way exists as in when you see an object on a table and it was moved by someone else without your knowledge it seems to have disappeared. The explanation of ghosts as in dreams and faintly visible and transluscent objects exist. The mind is very creative but everything exists. This knowledge makes watching a movie interesting in how a persons creativity has gone outside the box to take elements from reality and used them in a creative way. This makes that reality a real collaboration of things that are real. You can only use reality in reality. Everythign exists and we didn't create it. We make a table from wood and think we made a table. Reshaping of wood is just on the surface. The wood and everything that existed to make that table of wood is simply utilizing what exists and changing its surface shape. The wood is a part of this reality and exists and we should appreciate that it was there for us to use rather than using it and thinking you controlled it and made it. You simply use it and change things about it and if it wasn't there you wouldn't be able to use it.
Taking that principle and understanding it is now going to lead to a new understanding. Everything exists, so believe everything and understand the changes it went through. Everything that exists is beautiful. Nothing is wrong but rather different. That is the beauty of this existence. The diversity of existence that came from an infinite world of changes that is continually changing creating new properties of existence.

The first thing most people do when hearing the comment to believe everything is they want to jump into expressing that lies exist and we shouldn't believe that either. This is just looking at the surface and overlooking meaning. A lie is nothing more than a recreation of things that exist in reality but constructed in a way that is no different than a movie director. Who knows, the talents of a liar may be a good movie creator or book writer if the liar is showed what those talents can do and then given the resources to do it. To attain that level of creativity will require a lot of good creativity because there are a lot of creative people out there, but always room for more. A fictional movie is a creation of a lie, so what's the difference. A person creating a reality can only create that reality from reality, it's up to you to understand the truth of the reality and the changes that take place to lead up to that reality. Even the lie is true. If a person takes money from your wallet then says he didn't when questioned about it, the lie he told isn't a lie but a story of a different reality that he wishes you to see his way. The lie is true in meaning when the meaning is understood as this, "You are to see a reality that I thought up to cover up the real events of reality." That is the meaning of a lie, but getting someone to admit the real reality is going to take a change from the person within themselves to tell the real reality. Usually the understanding on part of the deciever that others are aware of the real events can persuade one to speak the real reality. Some things in reality are going to be obvious and others will take much more understanding to become obvious. You must believe the truth of others because other reality is possible and true and a person can tell a truth that is called a lie because the person listening is unaware of the possibility of the truth being told to them. This is how a person refuses to become aware of reality by basing it on limited understanding. This becomes confrontational and leads to self suffering.

Everything exists so believe everything, simply understand how and where it exists and realize the meaning in it. Furthermore, realize the creativity and beauty in the reality as everything is real, everything is beautiful and so everything is perfect. If you understand the meaning of this you are released from your self suffering. You may not understand everything, but who in the world does? Just try to understand it and enjoy the beauty of everything that surrounds us and exists.

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