Sunday, November 2, 2008

Everything In Reality Is Perfect

Everything in life is perfect. How it is perfect may not be known or understood. There are connections of events which are going to happen perfectly. The interesting things is everything is connected some kind of way and has to happen exactly perfect. This happening is someone's reality coming real. The transition or transactions that occur to make them emanate in this reality is a chain of events that can occur in a second or up to a lifetime.

When one realizes something one usually looks at the closely related events that created the thought that resulted in an understanding. Some related occurrences might be connected through a series of events that take place over months and years or even over lifetimes. We don't see that far into reality and do not understand the reason or chain of events. Some things that should have occured don't occur because one might be changing reality so much that they prevent what could have occured from happening through self projection into reality. Those actions of self projection are perfect as well. Struggling with understanding these events can lead to a person trying to change events of reality that are supposed to occur rather than accepting the events that occur. In this way, I realized that everyday is a perfect day and everything going on is for a reason or with purpose. This gives a meaning to all things. Meaningfulness in ones life is then understood or simply accepted because sometimes you just accept those things you do not understand, but the comfort of life is there much like a child is comfortable in a parents arms. We may not understand that, but to understand the meaning that everything has meaning and purpose is a way of accepting reality and not resisting the reality of life or attempting to break it's laws which is fruitless since they can't be broken. This is a way to be happy and not ruin a perfect day. The perfect day isn't ruined. It's always perfect.

I woke up and was planning a perfectly happy day of events to do with my son or let him do what he wanted to. This perfect day was going to happen. He had been asked to do his chores and then he can entertain himself with TV. When I was done with my tasks I was going to invite him to build a composter with me. I found he did very poorly at his chores and went right to the entertainment. Having given him many coaching on cleaning and encouragement towards becoming a clean person, he wished to be himself and lead a lazy lifestyle. After asking him about this, he became confrontational. His day was not going to go that way, so he ended up feeling his day was ruined because he was confronting his failure to contribute to the lifestyle of the family environment. He can't see the family system. He only sees himself and his own interest. This selfishness is a separation from reality rather than living within reality. I explained that he changed the reality that could have happened. In fact, every day is a perfect day waiting to happen, but to resist reality by doing something for self, which is a way of self projection, is going to result in a alteration of reality. This alteration of reality results in events that change what should have happened to a newly created reality that responded to his selfishness, thus you create your own reality. The new reality created by an individual is now the new path of reality which had an infinite ways of going which changed everything. The entire path of one's reality can be changed in a second or over a lifetime.

"Live and love life and all is well. It's meaning is meaningful. Understand it and it will have meaning to you." - J. Stallings

These things that happened are perfect. What related events are happening to make the perfect thing happen in this reality? Whose reality is being answered in these events and what connection does this event have to the events that are going to happen, but needed this event to happen to become true in the events to come? What reality is taking shape? It may not be an immediate change that is happening for an immediate event only. It's association may be 10 years down the line and won't happen without this event happening. Thus, all things in reality are exactly perfect. For it's purpose and meaning may not be known or understood and that is our limitation. God's understanding goes way beyond ours and all this reality is happening within the rules and laws of reality, however they are interconnected. It is so, thus it is. Love all at all times and you will be happy with reality for it all has a purpose and is perfect.

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