Monday, April 27, 2009

Two States of Matter

Solid and liquid. We are in liquid that is less dense than (H2O) water, but we are still in water.
All gases are liquids, like smoke is to air as a squids ink is to water.

Changes of energy between materials is a liquid state. Here may be the first place you'll ever hear this, but Fire is a liquid that is exchanging energy with other liquids surrounding it. This might sound crazy, but in order for there to be three states of matter, there must be three states of magnetic energy. The number of states of matter is dependent on the number of parts of magnetic energy. I'm going to think on this thought more, but this is part of my dialouge to myself as I brainstorm. There is a connection and I am going to figure out how and prove it. Everything is energy exchange and has a relation to magnetic energy and there isn't a single thing that isn't connected to it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Separation Of You From Reality

There is no separation. The separation is in the mind. The universe is one place. One thing in the universe is part of that universe. The universe is part of you as you are part of it. There is no other way to existence. This means there is no separation of the universe from you because the universe would not be the universe as it is if you were not in it. It would then be something else. What would the universe be if you were not in the universe? It would be a different kind of universe. The elements within a universe, be it changing or not, is what makes it the universe. Therefore, there is no separation of you and the universe, nor separation of the universe and you. This is the oneness of all things that make up one thing. Your body is not one thing without the completion of itself. Whatever it is, then that is what it is. If you lost an arm, then you are an armless body. Then that is what you are. The arm that is not attached to you is dead without you, but lives as part of something else. That something else is what has you as a part of it. The changes of you occur within it. It cannot be removed from itself least it not be the universe. Thus, the universe, no matter where your arm be attached to, is still a part of what is the whole. You are not everything. Everything is not everything with something missing least it not be everything. The universe and life itself is dead without the One that made it. What is a body without the mind? What then is the mind without the One that created it? What is the mind? If you think you understand, then you admit you have nothing more to understand. What is the mind is something to be solved before understanding what is the mind without the One who created it.

Proof: If I were a rock, then I would be that rock. The whole truth is, I AM. If I am the rock and not a human, it doesn't matter what I am because the ultimate truth is, I AM. How did I come to this conclusion and proof? In my mind I removed all humans from the universe. Then I was still here as I wandered the universe. I was here as a rock. The one fact is, I could not eliminate myself. If I cannot eliminate myself, then I always am. If I am, then I am. If I was not myself, in any form, then I would not be. Since I cannot NOT BE, then I always am. What am I when I am what I am? It doesn't matter. I am what I am, but the truth be told, I always am. Well, if I am part of what is, then that means you are part of what is too. If you are part of what is, then you are and cannot be separated from what is. You may change and be different, but who cares about that. You are! Since you are and part of what is, then you are inseparable from what is. You may change what you are, but you may not separate from the whole that is.
So I beg to answer the questions.......

"Who am I? Who are you? What are we? I think we are one."
J. Stallings

I am what I am doing. What am I doing? I can only do what I understand to do, therefore, I am what I understand! What is next to be understood? What must I understand in order to become that which I am not so that I am, or part of what IS? I long for understanding, all the while knowing that I can never understand everything. So I pray a single prayer each day for one thing and one thing only. "May I have more understanding?" This is all I pray. I can pray this because I am aware that there is the One that IS. That is an ultimate truth that I know, yet do not understand. It is a simple addition to my awareness of what IS. That is all I am, but I will change, yet I will never be nothing. If I was nothing, then that is what I am. Either way, I end up as something, even if it's nothing.

Which leads to a new question. What is nothing? Would not nothing then be everything as well? Inseparable. The One is and always will be. The only separation of you from ONENESS is in your mind.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Static Electricity or Lightning

Static electricity is a build up of energy but requires an interaction of a non magnetic material and a magnetic field. Is this true? Let me think about it. There is a manipulation of energy of a non magnetic material which is given a static energy and allowed to exist in a magnetic field. There is something deeper than this. I'm thinking on the idea. Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion I may be causing, but I have to write this stuff down. As it clears up, I'll explain it. Steps, my friends, I must go through the steps to reach the next level of understanding. I know what I'm trying to say, but having an issue of explaining it. I can see what I see, but trying to extrapolate what I do not understand.

What Is Magnetic Energy

There are two flows of energy or one flow with two elements within that magnetic energy. I do not mean a North and South as in that two kinds of energy. There is one energy as in Magnetic. the constructs of magnetic energy is that it consists of two forms of energy, inward and outward. The inward is the same as the outward, but our bodies and minds are accustomed or adapted to one more over the other. That is why we see a spectrum of light and not the other spectrum. I was thinking how is it that some of the lightwaves we know exist are invisible to our eyes? Another thought came to mind. Why is something clear as if it does not impede light? Well, there is two directions of energy flow. The energy flow that is going outward is heated and so our body is adapated to living as warm blooded beings. There is another being that is adapted to being cold blooded beings. They are adapted to the magnetic energy flow inward towards the center of the earth. Remember I spoke about this in an earlier blog about my explanation of what hot and cold is. You see, hot is energy exchanged outward and cold is from energy exchanged inward. Either way, it is energy exchange of either one source in two directions or two elements flowing in different directions. To explain, lets look at the magnetic lines of a magnet. They go away from the magnet and then return to the magnet. Well, the same occurs on the north pole. Well, wait a minute. There are gaps between the lines. They are also lines of energy flow equal to that of the visible lines and they are equally present. This is interesting.
Now there are two energy flows or maybe a balance of energy flow, but why is it pulling inward and yet it flows outward.
There are two flows of energy to comprise of magnetic energy. Could it be that north and south is the same energy flow, different directions. Some items are magnetic and some are not. Yet they both exist on the same planet. Could it be that the non magnetic is actually that way because it has taken on the properties of the balanced energy of the two poles, or it has the properties of a completely different energy source which is the non magnetic property to magnetic properties, yet it is magnetic to the non magnetic energy flow.
Now that I have thoroughly confused you, I want to say that the earth consists of magnetic energy. That magnetic energy may be comprised of two forms of magnetic energy. One appears non magnetic, but in fact, it is magnetic to the non magnetic energy. That is why it sticks here too and bonds the way it does and it's properties are what give non magnetics their flexibility yet rigidity. Some elements have incorporated properties equally between magnetic and non magnetic and that is why some elements are hard, and some soft. That is why it appears there are opposites. I think I have just solved for the opposites which are not opposites. They are two flows of energy with properties that have produced differences in materials. Bonding is interesting and is occuring on the magnetic level way beyond our comprehension. I am now going to try to solve for magnetic energy. My theory is going to be proven. There is no such thing as NON magnetic. It is magnetic as well, but it's properties are magentic to that which is non magentic which is a whole other energy that exists with magentic energy. Thus, magnetic energy is two energies coexisting and creating energy flow. One is inward and one is outward. Which ever is given the greater presence at a particular matter and condition, then that will be a change that will result in that outcome which favors the majority of the two energy existences. For example. Ice ages are possibly due to the dominating presence of the non magnetic energy flow, which is magnetic, but in an inward direction. The magnetic energy flow is outward and is magnetic outward. Both are from the same source or from two sources existing on one playing field. I'm still working it out.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Universe Of Microbiology

I was trying to sort out the thought, which most everyone has probably thought briefly or deeply on, what exactly are we and how did we get here?

I took that thought and considered it with the understanding that everything is made of more than one thing. Our body is made of cells of different types with different tasks, yet functioning as a single mass in agreement with each other. I say that because it has to be in order for it to be. There is a likeness within the every single cell of our being, yet a universe of difference in each one. All of these cells must be associated and understand each other in order to live in the environment it exists in. Our body is a universe to itself.

What if each and every cell in our entire fabric of being was disconnected from every cell in existence and was placed in a petrie dish. The amount of petrie dishes needed to hold all the individual cells of your existence would be a lot. Every cell had its own home and environment and living on its own without any association to any other cell. This question begs to understand what would you be if everything functioned on its own for itself and without association with anything else. Would you exist? Would you be able to even think as a unit? What would your mind be if it was just a brain cell disassociated from everything else in the universe. Could you be a person or living as a single cell?

If it takes an astronomical number of cells to make up your existence, then why is it that the cells collectively would think of self? Who then is the thoughts and mind within the body of cells that make up your body? Is there a spirit or soul? What are you as cells scattered and why is it different when you are collected into a single living body? Are you a single living body? What would you be if you didn't have arms or walked with 8 legs instead of 2?

Where is all this going? What and who you are is exactly a mass of cells that agreed to collect and work as a unit. All the cells within the body have specific functions and in order to survive more efficiently have collaborated into being your body. That body is working together, but yet the mind can think of self. Everyone wants happiness and good, but all bodies must suffer the existence. The body has requirements of healthy food and water. What organisms are working against the body to promote a change that is destructive of the human body and incorporates obesity and ailment? Viruses change other cells to exist. Cells themselves have viruses. What kind of cells are attempting to thrive within us? Sugar is a destructive force on our existence and unhealthy, but yet the tongue longs for it. What are the type of cells or biological organisms that is trying to infect us by encouraging our physical changes in order to survive or join our body to coexist, or trying to ensure a faster death of our body in order to provide food for itself? Microbiological universes exist and they are adapted and continue to adapt in their struggle to exist using the means of reproduction for survival by means if manipulating the mind and body, or the big picture. Since they are so connected to reality, they are masters of manipulation of reality. A reality that includes our existence. Who is really in control of this universe? I believe it goes beyond comprehension.

"From the earth you came and to it you will go!"

The Core

The center of the earth is freezing, not hot and not iron. Passing the mantle you enter a new layer of the earths structure which is freezing hundreds of degrees below the human point of zero degree. The earth would not sustain a magnetic energy if the core was super hot as described. This is to say the earth is built on layers and as you enter the deepest or most central part of the core the energy exchange is more pure and stable thus creating a new layer or atmosphere in physical matter that is untouchable or unreachable by our existence. It's forces are too great to sustain life in our form.

My premise is this. The atmosphere is in layers. There are variations in temperature because there is variations in the amount of energy exchanging in a specific direction. The greater the exchange in the opposing direction of magnetic energy flow the greater the presence of heat. The difference in temperature occurs on the matter surrounding the core as it exchanges outward, but the stability of the core of the earths magnetic source remains as cold or colder than space. The change of temperature from -500 degrees to - 200 degrees is a heated change and would be considered freezing from a human point, but the temperature is hot from the lower to the higher. Either way, the temperature is changed and the exchange of energy to reach the difference in temperature will have an impact depending on how fast it made that change. The way to understand this is to remove the zero degree from your mind and understand temperature is a result of energy exchange. All temperature is energy exchange, but the direction or the exchange reflects on the amount of heat. The greater the stability of the direction of energy in a specific path, the colder and more stable the environment. To further explain, the core of the sun and all stellar objects with a symmetrically round shape that has a significant magnetic field resulting in an atmosphere has an internal atmosphere that is freezing and stable with the direction of energy flow. This is also based on the idea that temperature is temperature and not opposite to anything. It is what it is and there is no start or stop point to what it is. It just is. This is why you have to open your mind to understand this concept. There is a whole or one creation that we exist in and the existence of that whole or one creation is not determined by a starting parameter that we understand, nor is it based on our existence or layer within this existence. These layers create layers of cold and hot which are based on the conditions and energy. These layers follow a law of reality and is repeated on all layers which is what make it a law of reality that can be observed or understood to a certain degree.