Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Earth Spot - Bermuda Triangle Explained

An explanation of the Bermuda Triangle anomolies is a simple and periodic wonder of the world. What it's effects are on the surface is a rare and beautiful sight I wish to see. After seeing some simple facts of magnetic energy it's easy to identify properties that are self evident. One fact that my mind has concluded on is that this planet, like other stellar objects, have a magnetic energy spot that humans call Bermuda Triangle.

The sun spot is a spot at which energy from one hemisphere is conducted through the other hemisphere. Materials create a path for energy spinning in the direction of one hemisphere to be emitted through the surface of the other hemisphere. This ejection point of magnetic energy is a spot. This is evident on the sun as a black spot. It's black because of the amount of energy it conducts through it and the composition of the materials that has been changed due to massive amount of the magnetic energy exchange which occurs in that spot. It's almost to say that it acts like a storm of magnetic energy with similar characteristics of a lightning bolt in a lightning storm exchanging energies with the earth. A bolt blast of energy that bursts outward from the earth into our atmosphere carrying properties of energy from the other hemisphere. This blast of energy is what I'm calling "Magnetic Volcano". This energy is reabsorbed into the magnetic field and a portion of energy is discharged into space. This is the explanation of the Bermuda Triangle. Bottom line is the Bermuda Triangle is an Earth Spot that is a product of the stormy magnetic energy that resides all around us. The exchange of energy is a rare sight and I would recommend you not be in the path of this magnetic storm in a material that reacts with magnetic energy, such as metal. Being in it's path will result in a magnetic attraction, sucking you in with forces equal to that of the magnetic core of the earth. Direct exposure will pull you to the bottom of the earth beneath the surface of the ocean bottom itself.

Since we're on the subject, I also would like to consider the ideal that this is what happened to the Tunguska Explosion. The explosion was a result of the Magnetic Volcano. This bolt of magnetic energy is due in part by the concentration of a particular material giving a point of buildup or channeling path for this magnetic volcano to occur. It's erruptions are rare. I would say that it's explosive reaction was based on it's proximity to the north pole. The close reaction of this magnetic volcano to the pulling action resulted in an exchange of energy on a scale unimaginable to humans. The electrical energy produced in that exchange resulted in the atmosphere lighting up becoming visible energy exchange (you call light) far into the reaches of space. That is how my mind has seen it happen as I play with the magnetic energy of the earth through my vision of reality.

Magnetic energy is one or more energies that are in rotation. The point of rotation is a point of balance. This point is the center and has no magnetic energy pull. It is the reason for rings that form around the equator of stellar objects. I believe the prominent rings of Saturn are in part to the formation and presence of it's position in space and in relation to Jupiter and the Sun.

The poles are created FROM the balancing spin of magnetic energy causing two vortex (tornado like) energies at either pole. This causes the visible energy exchange that is found on the poles of planets. It is on all stellar objects but are prominent on some planets more than others based on atmosphere and material conditions around the poles. People are confused into thinking that all materials in existence have a gravitational pull which resulted in the collision of rocks resulting in the formation of stellar objects. Stellar objects are a result of magnetic energy presence. This misunderstanding is what leads to outlandish theories that have no truth in them. The truth is diverted from reality because it is wanting to be given credit. The presence of magnetic energy is an energy that is so far from our reach that we cannot understand it. This has lead to a behavior that makes people place magnetic energy as a bi-product of something else when it we are the bi-product of the presence of magnetic energy. Magnetic energy as I see it is an energy source that is creating two poles from ONE point of energy exchange that creates balance. This is evident in the fact that all things in existence exist on the balance of spinning energy created from Magnetic energy. It's the same energy, same energy source and same kind of energy with a different energy flow path. That is why going from hemisphere to hemishpere is not much of an issue to all things living within the magnetic energy field that surrounds our existence.

All of magnetic energy is spinning. It's still a mystery to humans. It is, for humans, the platform of our existence. Without it we would not exist. We would have no stellar object. We would not have a point of energy balanced giving rise to round objects. What I find interesting is how we live on a huge magnet and we are in place because of a magnet. All existence and life form on this planet is living on the balance of magnetic energy.

How can I prove that it is not the gravitational pull of objects colliding that gives rise to a collection of magnetic energy which form stellar objects? Magnetic energy is not dependent on the presence of a physical material on our level of existence. The presence of a magnetic energy on its level gives rise to the formation of stellar objects. Use your thinking in this way and you will work towards a clearer understanding of magnetic energy. It is going to take a truthful and realistic approach to further understanding of magnetic energy and that is the direction my mind is trying to go to understand magnetic energy. In this light, a whole world of truth has been opened to my mind and I need not listen to closed in science, physics, or quantum physics as the deciding factor of other things that exist outside our existence. It's like a human trying to say what made him has been understood or the beginning of existence has been solved. I focus my mind on what is real and true and reality has shown me this fact with the aid of science, but not because of science itself.

Remember the rules of reality and you will see the truth in this fact.
An atom does not determine its composition, but the particles which make up the atom define the atom. The stellar objects do not determine it's composition, the magnetic energy size and properties along with its environment define it. Thus, that defines our existence since you live on a huge magnetic energy. The planet doesn't define magnetic energy. It is simply a result of the action and presence of magnetic energy which is on a whole other level outside our reach. Magnetic energy is translucent and black and gives off light. It is the light we see in space called Dark. Dark is light. Light as you think of it is merely a visible exchange of energy that is reacting even on your eyeballs because energy exchange is allowed to conduct through space and magnetic light. Oh, there is a huge source of this magnetic light coming from our universe. The theory of the universe expanding is an incorrect assumption as well. We are in a tailwhip of a very large universal spin from a sun that is in our universe that is spinning our universe and it's so immense we can't even imagine it. I saw it as a black mass of energy, which is the black light we see. It operates on a scale that is not of this earth, but is what created this earth by giving magnetic energy to us. Think from out to in and you might see what I see.

Jami Stallings

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