Saturday, September 27, 2008

How Are You Important To Reality

If in the beginning God made the Heaven and Earth, does that mean heaven and earth is what God made first? Then we come along and populate the earth as part of the earth, yet we think we are superior to it or have dominion over it. This sounds like self giving one's self too much credit, thus limiting self from appreciation and coexistence. We are the most juvenile of existence on this earth and yet we think we have dominion over it because we can use and sense things. We need this earth, but this earth could survive without us. Life is beautiful and we are a part of it.

You can change reality. You use existence for your existence. You borrow from it and change the things that are within this realm of reality, but reality goes beyond this realm. That part of reality cannot be changed or touched by humans. We are here, so our dominion is over one thing. That is over our own existence. Change yourself to understand something and that change is not made to reality, but to yourself IN reality. This allows reality to work with you. In order to change your reality, you change yourself. Reality changes not, but yet it will change with your change. Try to change reality to be what you want it to be and you are trying to change reality. The fact that you change something in reality is a result of a change in yourself, but most will not view it that way. When something has an undesireable effect on ones self many will not see it was one's self that changed, but look at reality as the change that changed their reality. This is a result of one not owning self and the results of self in reality. Once you see reality, you see yourself.

The Earth Spot - Bermuda Triangle Explained

An explanation of the Bermuda Triangle anomolies is a simple and periodic wonder of the world. What it's effects are on the surface is a rare and beautiful sight I wish to see. After seeing some simple facts of magnetic energy it's easy to identify properties that are self evident. One fact that my mind has concluded on is that this planet, like other stellar objects, have a magnetic energy spot that humans call Bermuda Triangle.

The sun spot is a spot at which energy from one hemisphere is conducted through the other hemisphere. Materials create a path for energy spinning in the direction of one hemisphere to be emitted through the surface of the other hemisphere. This ejection point of magnetic energy is a spot. This is evident on the sun as a black spot. It's black because of the amount of energy it conducts through it and the composition of the materials that has been changed due to massive amount of the magnetic energy exchange which occurs in that spot. It's almost to say that it acts like a storm of magnetic energy with similar characteristics of a lightning bolt in a lightning storm exchanging energies with the earth. A bolt blast of energy that bursts outward from the earth into our atmosphere carrying properties of energy from the other hemisphere. This blast of energy is what I'm calling "Magnetic Volcano". This energy is reabsorbed into the magnetic field and a portion of energy is discharged into space. This is the explanation of the Bermuda Triangle. Bottom line is the Bermuda Triangle is an Earth Spot that is a product of the stormy magnetic energy that resides all around us. The exchange of energy is a rare sight and I would recommend you not be in the path of this magnetic storm in a material that reacts with magnetic energy, such as metal. Being in it's path will result in a magnetic attraction, sucking you in with forces equal to that of the magnetic core of the earth. Direct exposure will pull you to the bottom of the earth beneath the surface of the ocean bottom itself.

Since we're on the subject, I also would like to consider the ideal that this is what happened to the Tunguska Explosion. The explosion was a result of the Magnetic Volcano. This bolt of magnetic energy is due in part by the concentration of a particular material giving a point of buildup or channeling path for this magnetic volcano to occur. It's erruptions are rare. I would say that it's explosive reaction was based on it's proximity to the north pole. The close reaction of this magnetic volcano to the pulling action resulted in an exchange of energy on a scale unimaginable to humans. The electrical energy produced in that exchange resulted in the atmosphere lighting up becoming visible energy exchange (you call light) far into the reaches of space. That is how my mind has seen it happen as I play with the magnetic energy of the earth through my vision of reality.

Magnetic energy is one or more energies that are in rotation. The point of rotation is a point of balance. This point is the center and has no magnetic energy pull. It is the reason for rings that form around the equator of stellar objects. I believe the prominent rings of Saturn are in part to the formation and presence of it's position in space and in relation to Jupiter and the Sun.

The poles are created FROM the balancing spin of magnetic energy causing two vortex (tornado like) energies at either pole. This causes the visible energy exchange that is found on the poles of planets. It is on all stellar objects but are prominent on some planets more than others based on atmosphere and material conditions around the poles. People are confused into thinking that all materials in existence have a gravitational pull which resulted in the collision of rocks resulting in the formation of stellar objects. Stellar objects are a result of magnetic energy presence. This misunderstanding is what leads to outlandish theories that have no truth in them. The truth is diverted from reality because it is wanting to be given credit. The presence of magnetic energy is an energy that is so far from our reach that we cannot understand it. This has lead to a behavior that makes people place magnetic energy as a bi-product of something else when it we are the bi-product of the presence of magnetic energy. Magnetic energy as I see it is an energy source that is creating two poles from ONE point of energy exchange that creates balance. This is evident in the fact that all things in existence exist on the balance of spinning energy created from Magnetic energy. It's the same energy, same energy source and same kind of energy with a different energy flow path. That is why going from hemisphere to hemishpere is not much of an issue to all things living within the magnetic energy field that surrounds our existence.

All of magnetic energy is spinning. It's still a mystery to humans. It is, for humans, the platform of our existence. Without it we would not exist. We would have no stellar object. We would not have a point of energy balanced giving rise to round objects. What I find interesting is how we live on a huge magnet and we are in place because of a magnet. All existence and life form on this planet is living on the balance of magnetic energy.

How can I prove that it is not the gravitational pull of objects colliding that gives rise to a collection of magnetic energy which form stellar objects? Magnetic energy is not dependent on the presence of a physical material on our level of existence. The presence of a magnetic energy on its level gives rise to the formation of stellar objects. Use your thinking in this way and you will work towards a clearer understanding of magnetic energy. It is going to take a truthful and realistic approach to further understanding of magnetic energy and that is the direction my mind is trying to go to understand magnetic energy. In this light, a whole world of truth has been opened to my mind and I need not listen to closed in science, physics, or quantum physics as the deciding factor of other things that exist outside our existence. It's like a human trying to say what made him has been understood or the beginning of existence has been solved. I focus my mind on what is real and true and reality has shown me this fact with the aid of science, but not because of science itself.

Remember the rules of reality and you will see the truth in this fact.
An atom does not determine its composition, but the particles which make up the atom define the atom. The stellar objects do not determine it's composition, the magnetic energy size and properties along with its environment define it. Thus, that defines our existence since you live on a huge magnetic energy. The planet doesn't define magnetic energy. It is simply a result of the action and presence of magnetic energy which is on a whole other level outside our reach. Magnetic energy is translucent and black and gives off light. It is the light we see in space called Dark. Dark is light. Light as you think of it is merely a visible exchange of energy that is reacting even on your eyeballs because energy exchange is allowed to conduct through space and magnetic light. Oh, there is a huge source of this magnetic light coming from our universe. The theory of the universe expanding is an incorrect assumption as well. We are in a tailwhip of a very large universal spin from a sun that is in our universe that is spinning our universe and it's so immense we can't even imagine it. I saw it as a black mass of energy, which is the black light we see. It operates on a scale that is not of this earth, but is what created this earth by giving magnetic energy to us. Think from out to in and you might see what I see.

Jami Stallings

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Science is Reality

Science is a study of things. Studying is a change of understanding of something. Understanding is limitless because perfection, infinity and change exist. Science has been very helpful and very destructive because man and love exist. For everything learned there is a change. For every change is an exchange. This is not to give life to the meaning of for every action is a reaction because everything in existence is a reaction. The ultimate action is existence. That occured from perfection when there was a change. The change that gave rise to our existence. Henceforth, all existence is now a reaction from one action.

Science has limitations due to the limitation of our existence. Remember the laws of reality that explain this. The things in existence which define an atom define all things made of atoms. The atom does not define what it's made of. Existence goes beyond our existence and is ignorance of it is not a defining matter of that existence. They are not dimensions as this existence is all one existence. I can prove that. If it takes a gluon and some other particles to make an atom, and that atom is here, then that atom is being defined by what makes it. It must be here for the atom to be here. All existence is interconnected and these levels of existence are all inclusive and all present. It takes solar systems to make a galaxy. Would you then say our galaxy is another dimension when this solar system is here within this galaxy even after you see it's presence? Would you then say the universe is another dimension when its visible to your eyes and we are here as a part of the universe. What makes up the universe that is before you is also the constructs of your existence. The constructs of all existence is a change of the creation that exists. Combine that existence with science and you have understanding of a part of what is.

What you understand is a fraction of reality. That is going to change. Thus, you will never understand. Only one understands. The man that knows everything, but doesn't know himself knows nothing. The man that knows only himself and nothing else, he too knows nothing. You are one with reality and to understand both is to see truth. These things which are given by the understanding of the laws of existence that I have come to understand is a simple understanding and needs no proof of science to be true. The truth of reality simply is and it takes an understanding to know of it. If you are studying and what you study is hard, then you understand suddenly what you were trying to understand, why do you say that the things you were studying changed to easy when it is you that changed your understanding.

I ask you, what science in the universe can tell you who you are? The body may be probed and studied, but even then will the limitations of understanding the physical existence be found because the only way to enlightenment of ones self can be made by only ones self. If that is the case, then who can tell you who you are through science? You are not your mind and body, but you are a part of that existence. That is not that exists of you. To see that is to see yourself. You are who you are and apart from your mind and body you exist on another level with existence that is on that other level. But it is not a level. It is here right now. It is you. To see it is to understand. To understand will bore you to read this. To think you understand and find this boring is to continue as you are with the understanding you have. To think of this is to seek what you are seeking to understand. This is only to affirm that you are seeking understanding. I do not give you understanding, you attain it by your own will. Neither me nor science can change that. All the science in the world can be explained to anyone, its up to the person to understand. The understanding obtained by one is the works of the one that understands. If one wishes to remain unchanging in their understanding can be just that and that credit is not given out to those that say they teach or give understanding to others. I seek no credit for what you understand because it is your understanding. May you find what you seek.

Science is a study of a part of this reality. The rest cannot be reached with science. It can only be reached by who you are because there is no seperation of you and existence while you reside in your body. Try to see yourself!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dark Is Light

The blackness of light is visible to us and we see it. We see it so clear it's blinding because it is always there. Always in front of us and all around us. Energy exchange occurs all around as well. This is why we see it. We see it hit an object then some hits our eyes. Our eyes have adapted to see energy exchange. We call it light, but this is not light in whole just because that is what we see. The light we do not see, dark is in fact light. We discount it from existence because we do not understand or see it the way we want to see it. This wanting to see things the way we want to is what keeps us from understanding it. We do not understand it and to understand it we must get that answer from it. How can we understand what we do not acknowledge as existing? That is darkness. A human ignorance is a darkness apart from another kind of light. That light is called enlightenment. It, too, is here. We just can't see it. Do you see the meaning of this? It is real. It is here in front of us all the time. We just can't see it and so do not understand it. For us to see something, we must acknowledge it in our mind. That means you see it. It is here for everyone to see. It is not biased or seperates itself from reality. It is us that do not see it as we are in darkness and need to become enlightened. Reach for it and it will be yours.

Closet effect: My son an I are arranging the house. I take him to an unoccupied bedroom. I open a closet and ask him what he sees. He identifies a tripod and a shoe box. I ask is there anything else. He goes into the closet and removes the items and confirms what he sees. I ask him check again. He affirms with me that is everything. I pull him back and ask him why he didn't realize all the space that is available. The tripod and the shoe box is in the closet, but least significant unless that is what you are looking for. The vast space of the closet is there too. The shelf in that closet is there too. For the items in the closet to be there, why is the whole of the closet insignificant?

Moth effect: The whole of space is full of stars. It has much more beyond the expanses of our mind. It is out there and it is real. It is there and real where it is to everything. The star is but a little and the space is a lot. The star would not be in place in the universe if it wasn't for the presence of space itself. We draw ourselves to the star without acknowledging light (the blackness of space) itself. In this way, without knowing your mind makes space less significant than the energy of light which is the darkness you say is not light. This is a moth effect. I only use that description in attempt to give form to those that will live in darkness (human ignorance) as their guide.

In my terms of using everything, that is to include you. You are a part of everything, so when you read my writing please understand everything is everyone. I do not say everyone, because I refuse to seperate your existence from reality. Let's keep it simple, like reality is. The stars in space are the same to everthing, but everything reacts different upon the star based on it's existence. What you are determines what your coexistence and interactions with that star is. Getting too close to it will change your existence. All of it will change your existence. Some of it will change your existence. Your existence is determined by it and your changes are determined by it. You coexist with it. You cannot change the sun. You can change your existence. To complain at the sun is to complain selfishly in a determination to make the sun what it should be to you, which is not an acceptance of what you are to it. That is why I call it selfish. Selfish is just a term to use to describe the meaning on a human level that might open the mind to light. Darkness is really what it is, selfishness does not exist. Darkness exists and is keeping at bay the truth of reality. The truth of reality is right in front of you, but you can only see it if you acknowledge it and live with its existence. This existence is a coexistence. This is to clear up the meaning (meaning is everything) of the difference between darkness and a black darkness you call light. Light is black and you see it. Human ignorance is darkness. Understanding meaning is light. The thing you see as light is energy exchange that is possible only because of the existence of dark light which is light. Light (Dark) conducts energy. It exchanges energy on another level and you see some of it. This is what your eye adapted too. The energy exchange is also exchanging with your eye, but is not the exchange of energy that occured on what it exchanged with. It exchanges at all levels because dark (light) allows this energy exchange because light encompasess all levels of energy exchange above it. That is to say light (dark) is a super conductor of energy exchange.

Can you imagine what this world would be if everyone understood reality for what it is rather than from the limited understanding of ignorance or from your darkness. Those in darkness continue to live in darkness and base reality on that darnkess because it's all they can see. This is not wrong or bad. Those two things do not exist. Reality exists so I can only use what exists in reality to speak of what is. I wish to further my understanding of reality. The truth of reality is not determined by mans darkness, but the reality of existence determines it. Commune with reality and remove yourself from darkness. Live in the light and change your darkness. If everyone in existence did this, the world would be a better place.

The real dictionary:
Dark - is light

Light - is black and you see it
Darkness - is ignorance and you can not see it
Understanding - is light (a change from darkness)
Meaning - what reality is
Reality - is real, meaningful and truth

Can you see reality? It is right in front of you. It is there for all to see. It is non religious and there for all. Life is beautiful. I wish you could see it. It does not include evil. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. It isn't there. If it is, you created it. Please be careful what you create in reality. There is a change to reality for every change to it. Since you are here, enjoy reality and marvel at its beauty and create what you can with reality. To do so, you must remove yourself. If you create for yourself, it means you do not understand that this is not yours. This is God's and he let you see it. Why we are born into darkness I do not know. I just know you can escape it and see the light. Your journey is yours. This reality is yours. Everything is in it. Treat it as if it is not yours yet it is here with you. Remember one thing. What you create has a result. Be good at what you create, but use the light by emerging from darkness. Acknowledge dark (which is really light) as much as the energy exhanges (your light). If you understand this then it is yours. It does not belong to me or anyone. Understanding is light and it's there for everyone. You just have to see it there and it will be you. You are one with it. In this way, you are one with reality. You are reality and reality is you. You are one in the same. Create beauty and make your stay here a happy one. You have the choice. Remember who gave it to you and be greatful. Live life in love. It seems to create the best results.

Monday, September 15, 2008


How is it I can see the light of a star from a billion, trillion miles away? Light is NOT what we see. First of all, what is light? Light includes lights we cannot see. This means we cannot see all light. In fact, we only see a spectrum of the light that exists. What light exists that we cannot see? I try to fathom the beauty of it. There is light on all level of existence. This energy we see and call light is energy or energy exchange. We cannot see light itself. We see the results of light striking an object and exchanging specific energy with that object whether it be a water molecule or your own body. The light itself is invisible to us. There is light that is penetrating objects. Some energy is interactive or not penetrated through an object. The lights that penetrate an object exchange with the object. We see this energy exchange. The results of the exhange are revealed in colors. We see light energy exchange, but we do not see the light itself. You would be blind if you could see light because light is all around you. With that said, you do see light?

Here is how to see what I mean. If you were the only person in existence and the only thing visible matter in existence was a single star. This star was behind you and you were facing away from the star. Being that existence in front of you was too small for you to see, you would never see the light emitting from the star. If you could see the light in its true form over all spectrums and all wavelengths, then you would constantly be blinded with the light as everything would appear a solid color. Going back to the floating away from the star. Light emitting from the star could be so white that it is visible, but will not be visible until you see it strike an object that your eye can detect with your eyes. Based on this, I conclude that humans cannot see light.

Think of this line. "Let there be light. GOD saw the light and it was good!"- Trust me, you do not see this light. Not with this existence you live in.

Think of this line. "As my body was dying I could see a light...."- That is a light that is also all around us and present. We cannot see that light with this existence until we exchange to another existence. The energy exchange from one existence into the other is not going to another place. That place is here somewhere. Where? I do not know, but I know it's part of this existence, but remains inaccessible to us in our body.

The lights are different, but look the same. What is a light in this reality is not a light you see in another part of this reality.

Applying this to reality, what you see doesn't determine what exists. You only see a portion of reality. That portion is very small and so much more exists outside of your existence. The constructs of your existence is not determined by your understanding of existence, but by the existence of something that makes up your existence. There is always something present and this presence is equal on all levels of existence, no matter what it has changed into. Thus, all existence is equal, present and inteconnected. The changes of existence that occurs which cause changes to create what is created is the true beauty of existence. All of this we see and interact with in this existence is beautiful. In this way, I concluded that all things in existence are beautiful (good). I know the rash of questions regarding the things that are not beautiful come into some minds, but that's the only place existence is no longer beautiful. It is beautiful, you and you alone make it not beautiful by your failure to see its beauty. Everything in existence is from the ONE and connected to everything else. We must learn to coexist and adapt to the changes and enjoy the beauty of this creation we live in. Then you can enjoy your existence in this existence until you move on to another existence. All of this existence was created on LOVE. That is the only emotion that is interlocking with all existence that is made by our creator. Through love you can see the beauty of this creation. Enjoy it and the constant meriad of changes that you and it are going through. Long live your existence here and may it be a good one. Let peace continue to spread through your existence by you creating it. Peace and love be with you all. Light is cool isn't it? How do you know, you can't see it. I hope this was enLIGHTening! There is much to learn about light. We haven't even tapped it's existence and it's abundance of energy. Being it was the Third thing in created, I'd say it's pretty abundant, powerful and very significant to our existence in ways we cannot imagine since we haven't touched the surface of its existence.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Third Rule of Reality - Balance

Upcoming blog entry....

Second Law of Reality - Change Is Beautiful

"After Existence is Change."

Change is how we were created. Creation was made and then we came from the created. The existence we live in is now and changing. The changes are not based on time or calculations. It is simply now in an ever changing state. What becomes a result of that change is based on the coexistence of all things. All things are in a constant state of change; all existence except perfection and infinity. The ONE is the only constant in reality. All else is changing, therefore, all things are subject to the changes.

As a being in this existence, we have a presence in this meriad of changes. We create in this world. This creation is not just a physical creation that is what you create with your hands, but with your mind. The reality of existence is one thing. It's beautiful and all coexisting. This existence is different to every single person because we all were blessed with a gift. This gift is to see and create in this creation. The limitations of your creation are within the confines of the limitations of our existence. You can create things in reality that is only real to your existence but can affect existence. You create from who you are. That is why you must see reality to see who you are. What is real in reality is really only a creation of yourself within it. Once you realize that you are just a body in a body, you will realize that this is really a creation of something bigger than you. You are just a part of it. I noticed something interesting. Creation itself seems to work with you if you unselfishly create. Creating with an unselfish love seems to be the best creating there is. Anything else is a selfish creation that serves only your purpose and usually has an affect that is undesireable to others. Many are willing to accept this form of creation. This is based on an understanding they have. That understanding may serve a selfish purpose, but until one sees reality from the existence of another thing or person, they will only see it from self. Self creating is asking reality to do bidding as if you deem it should be. This is an unintentional attempt to bend reality. The real way to exist is to coexist. Coexistence is based on existing with the affirmation that other things exist. There are laws to reality that exist. There are two ways to create, from self or from coexistence. The changes that have come prior to the changes that lead up to the changes that exist now is what makes existence what it is. What do you do in the now? Coexist with it and adapt to the changes, lest the "self" changes people make will impact in a way that is detrimental to consistencies of a balance in now. What do you want now to be? Change it. You must see reality to know what it is. When you see it then you can change it to what you want it to be, rather than expecting it to be what you wish it to be. Coexist with the changes and enjoy the beauty of the changes. Love it and appreciate it. That's all I can see to do with it currently. What do I want it to be? I am just enjoying the beauty of it all and I'm thinking of you while thinking of reality to see how I can be useful to all of reality.... I am the least important in this reality, yet I am the most important!

Change is the beauty of reality! It's all so different in our eyes, yet it's all the same within! Do you understand the meaning? It isn't hear to please you only. It is here to be enjoyed for what it is by all. I wish you could see it. Selfishly change too much too fast and reality will balance that right out eventually!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time Does Not Exist

Time is not something that exists to reality. What is time? It's a finite measurement. Reality is infinite and unrelated to time. You can create and use tools and things within reality. Time is inside reality on our defined existence. There is no past or future. There is only Now. Now is real and all that it is existence that changes. What you refer to as time is merely a subconsciousness. You can live from this subconsciousness in Now, but that is further limiting your understanding of Now. Reality is a changed now that is always here and you are here and you are now even as you were here now when you were born. Your just a changed person Now. So reality is right now and nothing more. Parts of reality that are accessible to you is here now. How do you achieve the awareness or affirmation of reality? You must acquire a change. How do you acquire that change? I have not the answer.

On January 17, 2007 a change occured in my existence. This change came by a deep, deep extension of my inner self. This inner self wanted with all of reality in my power to make clear an understanding to my son. I wanted this understanding to be his with all my existence with everything in the power of existence. You cannot imagine how deep I wanted him to understand the meaning of what I was about to tell him.
He was walking into our residence. I asked him to stop. I looked at him deep in his eyes and soul and I wanted to be inside him. I said, "Son, do no open the door for anyone or be bad while I am away." Due to an experience that happened causing our seperation, breaking our hearts and tormenting our lives for three years, devostating our existence, I wanted to ensure that understanding was there for my son as to prevent this occurance again. Being older and also having the awareness of the deep meaning of what I had spoken, he flung his head back with an understanding that was equal to mine. His reply to my comment stopped me in my speech, "Dad, I understand. You don't have to tell me." I will tell you the next things that occured.
I went into his mind and was able to play his exact actions from his existence. I was him, looking at myself standing at the car. I saw myself through his eyes. I saw myself. I returned to myself and what seemed like a minute was but a few seconds. It probably felt that long because as I came back to myself I realized that I had left myself. I saw that he truly understood and the words he spoke to me had all the meaning. It left me stunned and speechless. I called to him and said, "I understand that you understand. I will never say that to you again." After that I do not remember much, yet I went shopping with my wife. I began thinking of what is light, and why can it reach my eye from billions of miles away. Almost immediately, time was not real. All numbers were not real. Distance was not real as we know it. Everything changed for me. Light was traveling something. I could see it, yet I could not see it. I found myself staring at Black colored things as the black car I was driving. I could see another light exists, yet I cannot see it. I just felt myself staring into it. I realized it was a light. I think there is light blacker than black, whiter than white. Next I could see a rock. I became a rock. I was looking at reality from a rock with my eyes, but yet I could not be the rock. I just knew it was there. Everything was alive after that. My mind began to go take awareness of another part of this reality. From there, life is different for me. I grow constantly. I listened to my wife and all of a sudden I could understand her from her existence. Life is beautiful and all I can do is cry. Each new discovery makes me cry. I cry with joy and I know of another part of reality that is beautiful. There is no such thing as opposites. There is no such thing as anything bad or wrong. Reality just is. Moreover, there is another part of reality that we exist from. I wish you could see it. It's beautiful.