Please review my writing as a work in progress. A book will soon be written from all this scattered writing...Thank you for your patience and please keep eager in your chest to see what is to be revealed!
"The power of a single change is so radical in the instance of it occurrence time itself becomes muted. Now imagine the instance of a change in a universe of endless change acting with and upon each change collectively. Keep the imagination going, and going..."
"The power of a single change is so radical in the instance of it occurrence time itself becomes muted. Now imagine the instance of a change in a universe of endless change acting with and upon each change collectively. Keep the imagination going, and going..."
There is an infinite number of universes. Hence infinity. There is only one universe. Well how else am I going to get through to everyone?
There is creation! There is singularity! Well how else am I going to get through to anyone?
These universes are infinitely creating and have always been creating.
Observe that statement without seeking a beginning or end to it. Keep watching it happening. Take your reality you see and realize it in the universe and see it in the endless changes. Now see it in an endless number of universes even if the universe is just this one universe.
Now take this one universe and make an infinite number of duplicate copies of itself.
Now take the power of the universe and its speed of change which is not obeying the definitions or confinement your dimensional universe and realize your awareness of it is called time. See it on a dimensionless dimension. Then see it with all the dimensions you want. No matter which perspective you see it in, it will always be connected to the inseparable timeless and time based realities. Everything is infinite in its lifespan. If you can't see that, join all the dimensions you know of and see the one dimension all dimensions are in. Put back together the dimensions you took apart mentally to create a single dimension which all dimensions are made inside of and outside of. Now take apart each dimension of the single dimension you see as one dimension. You must have both and that is why it's here and not here at the same time and flashing in and out of infinite so fast that its a millisecond in action and feels as a billions years or even a single lifetime. These flashing in and out of infinite universes is the speed of creation so fast in and out that you have no notion of its actions and this time is created.
Everything will infinitely be connected to the infinite or nothing even as you see a finite in the infinite. The way to see infinite or nothing is to see nothing. Nothing is infinite. The power of seeing more things in the infinite is to see nothing which shows you more of finite. It will be beneficial over trivial squandering about seeking the finite answer to infinite. In the nothing is everything and likewise, everything is nothing. Well how else am I going to get through to everyone?
Everything will infinitely be connected to the infinite or nothing even as you see a finite in the infinite. The way to see infinite or nothing is to see nothing. Nothing is infinite. The power of seeing more things in the infinite is to see nothing which shows you more of finite. It will be beneficial over trivial squandering about seeking the finite answer to infinite. In the nothing is everything and likewise, everything is nothing. Well how else am I going to get through to everyone?
It's like infinite and time exist. Is it hard to believe? Well there is an endless universe and there is a finite universe.
There is time and there is no time. How else am I going to get through to "all" of you?
Its like flashing in and out of an infinite number of universes that are in constant creation and the awareness of time is the result of grasping and holding on to a moment as the images of each universe you enter and exit create a seamless picture of a reality and the feeling of time itself. Creating an illusion of a lifespan or the sense of time.
You spend a millisecond of time in realty to experience a lifetime of 100 years. Now realize that the 100 years you experience is a millisecond. How else am I going to say this to everyone?
It's like flashing in and out of realities so fast on a an infinite number of universes it feels like one universe. It's like standing on earth and looking at the universe spinning around the earth and the earth is the center of the universe by visual appearances.
What beauty is there in living and dying in one second if it doesn't give you the sensation of a long time to enjoy or grasp the creation it is making in a reality beyond your realty?
Lets take the theory of the Big Bang and go along with it. The mind can formulate a sense of time and put the instance of the Big Bang in a time based moment giving power to the time in billions of years or light years. What if you were to look at the Big Bang only. Remove it from the fabric of time. The emphasis is now only in the Big Bang and what occurred at that moment.
Using another example lets take a Bermuda Triangle event. Or a solar flare x1 event. These moments are instant but even those moments are small in comparison to a massive instant change.
The point is not to focus on time or the event but the power of the event and the change which appears as a past event following the event. The focus is on the power of the instant change which occurs. To realize a universe level powerful change will help to put that into perspective. Big Bang is a universal catastrophic event which needed a millisecond to happen creating a time fabric that will give life to the awareness of trillions of changes to occur in trillions of years. Focus the moment of the event into a moment of now and this will help to shed light in the power of the energy, and infinite creating a moment and the results of the moment wholly. It would be like saying he Big Bang happened yesterday and the events which followed feels like billions of years.
Realize the power if life and the universe and realize it in itself has no power this making it infinite and timely all in one instance of infinite and infinite and infinite. There you have time and no time! How else am I going to get through to all of you?
In summary: There is a Big Bang. Then it collapsed into nothing. Then a Big Bang occurred. Then it collapsed into nothing. With every Big Bang and Collapse into Nothing a new creation is born. The speed and actions of this action is so untimely that you are only aware of the physical and timeliness of this change which occurs and completely unaware that a collapse and rebirth of every second is an endless recreation of reality. The changes of the big bang entering in and out of singularity is so fast the residuals of the changes can only be calculated to a few points of singularity and that action and calculation we interact with is called Gravity. There is no gravity. Only motion and change which infinitely connects us to the finite and is a link between the two. Hence the conclusion of Einsteins calculations which end in INFINITY!
There is a Big Bang. Then it collapsed into nothing. Then a Big Bang occurred. Then it collapsed into nothing. I don't have time to keep explaining that as my body is finite in the infinite reality. That explains my point. There are things happening and its so instant you don't know it's happening. It's a harmonious constant action between singularity and creation that it appears to be a single creation. You are and must be unaware of the instant changes and it's speed of actions. You must be unaware of the infinite in order to exist in this reality. In that in and out of reality creation is so fast that you have become unaware of it and so have created the sensation of constance. In the constance of it all you are living out your life in a singularity of change unaware of the singularity of singularity itself. This realm of reality is time and the notion of a beginning and ending in creation. It is why man seeks that. Only under the realization of the infinite can you be aware of the finite as an equal to infinite. They are here as one and one cannot be without the other. Take no side to see all sides that no sides exist, but they are there for us to exist. It's a beautiful awareness where no words can explain.
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