Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Do we really control movement. As far as I see, motion or control of motion isn't really in our control. We are in control of motion. But is it really a control of motion? I came to a conclusion by peicing together a few peices of understanding. These understandings came from looking at a big picture, the universe. Looking at the expanse of what we can see it might be easy to see that stars exist. We actually see quite well and quite far for a human. This sensory is an input, right? If you look at it that way then sure it is. It is a change detected on a nano scale. A scale of control that is not really in our control. Our own bodies are not in our control as much as we think.

Looking at the big picture of what scientists have brought to our attention as the galaxy, we see stars. All these galaxies move in patterns. Everything seems to function on a pattern. The ultimate pattern being a sphere. The sphere is the most universal shape. We can't see the sphere of a universe, so we don't think it's there. We see it as a black hole and a band or belt of stars and planetary objects floating within the band or belt where the items are being pulled into a black hole. This black hole has such sucking power that it drags into its black hole everything around it.

Who is controlling that motion?

Our bodies have beating hearts and things moving inside of us such as muscles that we call involuntary. This isn't involuntary. Nature has figured out how to work with other nano worlds that have joined forces to create a body. The body is a collaboration of cells working in harmony. Variations of these nano agreements are made based on the environment and constructs of the nano world that it was started from which we call DNA and genes.

I wonder who is controlling that motion?

Now that we have grown up and we think of motion as a force on another object or mass and all that jazz, why do we feel we have all of a sudden gained control of something as ourselves which instigates motion in other things around us, yet we never question the motion of the earth and sun as being part of our control. This might be to conclude that energy is in motion. The way I see it, energy is an exchange between existence from the nano world. Much like a guy in a huge man made machine, causing massive amounts of motion, that is a depiction of nano human controlling monster sized machine. Well, this is also happening on the nano scale. Nano changes are in control of monster sized things. Everything that occurs begins from the nano scale up and not the larger scale down. Although motion is applied to the objects which are large, it is on the nano scale of things that change or exchange occurs. Exchange being a change made between objects. Change is the resulting conditions of the exchange. Exchange or Change never seize to exist, thus existences is never the same as it is. This never being the same existence may be what keeps existence in existence. If you stopped moving or changing, you would be just standing there? NO, you would have no idea of your own existence. The triggers of your brain will not exchange and you would have no input from anything. This is something that may be hard to imagine, but if you can, then you'll see much more meaning into the truth that we do not control things as much as we think.. We do not control things at all.

Here is how that comes to my mind. I gave up control. I do not control the spin of the earth, nature controls it. The rotation and revolving create a condition. These condition create conditions within conditions. The conditions create new conditions. Some changes and conditions are subtle and some more pronounced. Everything has found a home. The home is based on the pattern of conditions. The patterns and conditions are learned by what we know as thought. The thought is an electrical pulse in the mind which is attempting to keep up with the changes since it is changes that keeps creation in existence. Existence would be nothing if it didn't change. It is change that we are attracted to. The changes are what we sense. The inputs we receive are creating new environments we call memories. The memories are part of the human psyche which is a nano world struggling to keep up with and evolve with the changes in a fit to remain alive in this creation made by The One.

We do not control anything and the fact that we thought that we control something is simply a reflection of our own minds experience into what it has done and is trying to do. Our attempts to control which fail us is our struggle. The struggle of the mind is it's attempt to control a world it has no control over. What do we control? Absolutely nothing. The more we try to control it, the less we are in control. Give up your control. Give it up if you can. You will be opened to see who and what is really in control. It definitely isn't us.

We were given permission to move. What is movement of our arms and legs and fingers as I sit here typing this mumbo jumbo? The truth is all movement made in our body is made from a simple impulse of electricity. Electricity is two differences coming together. The differences in energy potential that our body on the nano scale has learned how to manipulate. Manipulation of the direction of energy exchange which was allowed to exist by environmental conditions. These conditions are made and adapated to, and the changes create evolution. It isn't evolution that is creating the changes, it is the changes creating changes. Thus, evolution is not important and the arguement of it is not important. Evolution does occur if you wish to put it in words that make sense to yourself as a means of describing it. The bottom line is change creates change and those changes are governed by your senses only.

So do you really control movement. No, you simply manipulate the changes in electrical fields that your body has adapted to in its environment that was created by the world of changes to create what and where ever you are at this moment.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm still trying to understand what I do understand along with what I need or should understand.


Fire is a chain reaction of change which is instigated or intiated by a reaction of exchange of energy between a liquid and solid in a specific environment or under specific conditions. This does not mean that heat, feul and oxygen is the answer to fire. It is part of the reasons fire can occur. This means, plasma is a fire. I call fire a liquid. I'm still trying how to explain that.


Motion is the direction in which energy exchange allowed change to occur. Motion is constant. It never stops because change never stops. How small, you can't get that small. A universe can fit in a mustard seed. You cannot comprehend this without an understanding which gives this meaning. The meaning of something is not comprehendable unless you understand.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Understanding Opposites: Regret and Forgiveness

I have said this before and I mean what I said. Opposites do not exist. Oh, but they do. They exist under certain conditions. When one side of something is given credit of existence without the other having that equal existence, or when ignorance replaces the understanding of both sides as one whole. Separation and divisions give importance and rise to opposites. Until you see the ONE BIG picture, only then will you see my meaning. So for human meaning, opposites exist.

"Opposites do not exist in the Oneness of the Universe and all that is created."
J. Stallings

Let's discuss opposites using regret and forgiveness. I hope this is a good explanation. I am almost positive that anyone that thinks opposites will think of one of these things; Good/Bad, Right/Left or Right/Wrong, Up/Down, Hot/Cold and Wet/Dry being that these are the most common to humans.

Regret - regretting something is only when you realize you've done something you wish or did not want to happen. The real answer should be to realize that you should learn from what happened and how it happened by not focusing on what you did not want to happen, but rather what you gain from what did happen. This will help you to forgive yourself.
Forgiving yourself is easy when you realize yourself did not want to do wrong, but you realize the change of understanding from what you didn't know which caused a change to what you do know caused a change. The focus here is, you realize you understand what you didn't understand, thus you can forgive yourself.

This forgiveness is not forgiveness, just as regret is not regret. It is understanding of one side out weighing the other. Balance those two and stay connected to yourself in the now and you will not have to forgive or regret. Thus regret and forgiveness is unimportant and non existent in a world where you realize that you changed to a greater level of understanding. Add love to both directions and you have love just love.

Love can be out of proportion as well. Love of self over others and love of others over self. Either way becomes an disporportionate existence. Love is the only thing that creates in this world. Realization of self is to understand uniqueness or individuality. This realization will open many doors. It is you in you that doesn't know you are there. This is also the concept of or explanation of self as being a body, mind and soul or spirit. These levels or parts of self make up one self. One controlling the self is going to be greedy. The other controlling self is going to be loving of all things. Greedy gets reduced to taking as needed for self preservation but balanced with the understanding that self is not alone in this existence. The understanding that self is part of an existence that isn't your existence and thus a level of respect goes towards the existence. Then questioning self becomes common place as self evolves in the adapation phases of becoming one with selfish and selfless.

I could go into the discussion of Right and Wrong or Left and Right, but that is so embedded into humanity that it's a level of discussion that will turn off many as they are slave to their mind and imprisoned by their knowledge of knowing. This focus removes the understanding of not understanding. That is another subject though, so it will be discussed later.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Release Control to Gain Control

You do not have control, but you might think you do. Many think we do. There are some that do, but many that need to learn to take control. The way to control is to realize you do not control and to release the idea of being in control.

This might sound like a contradiction. You give up control to gain control. Someone who thinks they control something other than themselves is in fact, out of control. This knowledge actually took me to some level of release of control that it was just beautiful. I let everything control me. I let the world spin. I let angry man be angry and complain and hate me. I let the happy man be happy and thank me as they shared joy in receiving from reality. I let the hot weather burn me, but I got out of the hot weather and went into air conditioned spaces.

Just then you might think, "There! He went to the air conditioned spaces. He controlled himself or his environment to control the temperature."

If you think that, then you are taking control. You have no appreciation for what is. Hot and cold do not mix. They both inherently exist together. One does not eliminate the other. They simply balance. Their balance is hinged on coexistence and exchange. Hot will always be there and the exact amount of cold will always be there. Where it goes or changes into is a different chapter.

Going back to me being in control of my environment. I must appreciate that hot and cold exist. I then must understand the human body, or myself and my physical needs. Those needs are uncontrollable. They are and need a healthy balance and without that balance, something must exchange with reality. That is all out of my control. I simply manipulate the things that are. The manipulation of the air conditioner from off to on does not mean I control cooling. If I control anything in reality, then I lose my appreciation for what is. I lose my enjoyment of its existence. I fail to see the beauty of what lives with me, all around me.