Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pray a Prayer

After sharing my experiences with someone it was suggested to me to pray. I thought of the word prayer. I thought of its actions and meaning.

If I ask for something from God...

"God,please help me understand my situation."

Then I asked a favor from the person I was discussing my experience with.

"I left my cell phone at home. Please help me by lending me your phone."

Is prayer different?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Bible

Everyone that reads the Bible has an interpretation of it. Many Christians believe it to be the Word, or the laws of life. What I find interesting is in conversation with Christians many have been taught or believe modern man is to refer to the New Testament. Many say the Old Testament refers to life as it was prior to Jesus only. Now it's different and so the New Testament is for Jews and Gentiles alike. I find that interesting how division and separation is created even in reading the Bible. Laws of reality apply all the time and is completely equal to all for all is equally existing.

The first thing I read in the Bible, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth" lead me to conclude to an interpretation of my own as it has for everyone else who reads this line. My life has crossed people that are Christians, Protestants, Church of Christ and so on, all of which tried teaching me to be a Christian in order to help me be saved or born again. To this day I am not Christian. Another man around me might claim to be an atheist while another calls himself agnostic. Life also has Muslims, Catholic and Buddhists just to name a few. All of these ways are ways of a commitment to a specific means of life through an interpretation based on relativity. Today I am all of those religions. How is that possible that I am all of those religions and and atheist too? My answer is, "I believe all of you!" How is it that a man believes all religions? If you are asking that or stating to yourself that I cannot be all of those religions then you do not understand the possibility of it being so. Should I categorize you for thinking indifferently? Should I start my own religion that includes all religion? How did these different religions come about? Those answers are explained in story and in history is it not? To you I say, "All things exist and are different." Prior to today I believed in infinity and in the finite yet did not include them in all understanding at all times. I found myself embedded in the same traps or my own thought that subjected me to believe "If I am one then I cannot be the other!" Prior to today I thought existence was defined as possible because of change. Today I realize that existence is here because creation exists. Creation is not complete. It continues. Creating is creating as we speak. It is and keeps going. I kept thinking on the lines of science. That was inside the box.

Let us move outside the box for just a moment. I read the Bible. The Bible says God created this and that, and this and that. In the end he rested. Some may have already known that God's creating didn't stop. Things continue to create. The creations of life is continuous. If life is continuously creating then that is creating differences and changes. The creation is beautiful. Life and creation is beautiful. Is God's work done? Christians might conclude that he isn't done because there is going to be a rapture. There is an end and everyone will be judged and some will go to Heaven and others Hell. What is Heaven and Hell? Where are they? No one can answer that with the understanding of having been there unless they have been there. Man is trapped in his own mind, but that is creation. Creation is beautiful and it is a never ending bloom.

For those that believe only the Bible I say to you, "If the Old Testament was for then and the New Testament is for now, what book is for the tomorrow that is on it's way to be Now? When that now comes, you will say, That is not true for it is not what I read in my Bible. Is creation over?"

Friday, January 1, 2010


Everything is relative? Relativity is a theory? Relativity is like opposites. They do not exist, yet they do. Becoming aware of the oneness or infinity and The One (God's existence) will make relativity, time, words and opposites no longer important. Time does not exist in the awareness of infinite, yet time does exist since we are not infinite and time is a fraction of infinity. Relativity is based on this existence we live in. I kept wondering why I felt Einstein was not completely correct. Time is not important, yet it is. The reason it is not important is when there is an infinity who is keeping track of time? What importance does time have? When there is oneness, how do you become concerned about one thing or individuality. We are individuals and that is important. We do exist, but that existence is always part of the oneness. When one becomes more important than THE ONE, who is now the ONE? Who is in control? Who is God? In your reality and perspective, which is relative, you are then God if you are more important than all. It's easy to fall victim to the individual. This individual creates importance of self and the self is going to have a relative perspective of reality which creates division or comparison which is what relativity is. Relativity is a comparison. This is very important to self in a self contained existence.

I joined the US Navy in 1988 and was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel abroad. One of the stops the ship made was in the Phillipine Islands (PI for short). When those who were not on duty were free to leave the ship for some R&R (rest and relaxation). Immediately outside the base was a river dubbed "crap river" to put it in nice terms. It was immediately evident why it was called that. I can imagine it must have been a memorable experience for every American sailor because of the shock from the smell of sewage and the always present children all the way up to late in the night. There were local children that swam the waters late into the evening with nothing more than shorts yelling up at the passing people yelling for them to toss in coins which they eagerly swam after. They would pop up and yell at you with their finding just as happy as ever to showcase their talent and happiness for their newfound wealth. It was always a surprise for the donating person because from the top the water looked dark and dirty which was exaggerated with the smell. Visibility of the water was so low that it left you wondering how they manage to find the coin, not to mention with such swiftness. Tossing multiple coins did not fool them. If they saw it hit the water, they came up with it. The memorable part for me was the smiles on their faces. I stared down at them wondering to myself, "How they could be so happy in their poor lives in the crap river swimming for measly coins?" Their happiness for their findings made them oblivious to the idea they were swimming in sewage. The smell didn't seem to bother them at all. From within my dark heart I was overwhelmed with curiosity as to how they could manage to be so poor yet be so happy in life. Their child innocence and happiness was so profound to me, I cry with joy and excitement at how relativity is unimportant. All of this took place when I was unaware of myself, or the One. Even in my darkness I was amazed. The answer to the question was only visible after I became aware of the myself many years later.

Apply relativity to that situation and to the children they were not poor, but making money and happy. One might try to complicate this case by categorizing the situation as optimism or child innocence. Happiness is always present. The happiness of yourself is within yourself. This happiness comes from outside of self and can be harnessed within to become part of the happiness. I have a new question which I do not have the answer to.

"Relative to what?"
J. Stallings