Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Colors We See

What colors are the clouds of a dark overcast day? What colors are is the sky if the dark is grey? Why is it said the colors are changing? Do colors change? Colors themselves do not change. Colors remain the same and the color of the clouds did not change from white to grey. The amount of light passing through them are limited and the shadow of darkness is present. The colors may change if a water is clear and a dye is added. The water did not change colors. The dye is still there and living with the water. Your eye is tuned into its sensory and the mind may become twisted into believing the water itself is red. If the dye is to settle and the water clearly visible again, it becomes Clear. Keep in mind things are mixing and what they are. Do not make them dissapear and change your mind over the changes you see. This is how you make awareness of the many things that are. A simple answer is always right in front of you. What are you drinking if you drink a soda with the sugar, dyes and chemicals along with the pressure treated water? What are you drinking? Would you drink that stuff if it was separated out and placed on a plate and cup in front of you? If you saw a spoon of high fructose corn syrup just sitting on a plate in front of you, would you put that huge amount in your mouth to eat of it? You would probably kringe at the notion of doing so, but dilute it and it becomes a sweet tasty drink. Have you been decieved? This is no different than someone giving you a tablespoon of salt and you would think they are crazy for asking you to spoon a tablespoon of salt into your mouth. Why then would you not think they are crazy for hiding a tablespoon of sugar in a can of water along with dark dyes and chemicals on top of that? Do you know what your body is wanting to survive? You have decieved yourself with your lust to satisfy your mind, and not the needs of your body. Then your body changes to obese and you complain and suffer as you make acceptance to your foods you so love. Love can destroy for it is not Love of the world and understanding it, it is love of self satisfaction and the glutteny of pleasure. Someone has seen this weakness of humanity and simply provide the sugary, dark colored water. Humans drink more water than any other animal. The best water is the water provided by natural plants. They should provide the content of most of your daily consumed water. 80 percent easily is given to you by the plants who have made it tasty for you. You cannot enjoy the taste of the earthy water for your have been lusting after the sweetness. Now you have taken yourself and provided a home for disease and diabetes. The body is not getting its desired nutrients to keep fit and strong to live as it wants to because someone lives diluted in its existence much like the sugar is diluted in water. The body is then condemned to your existence which is the existence of self pleasure and self gratification with no regards to the body attached to you. I cry to see your body suffering as it screams out for a plant to share itself.

There is an exchange taking place with each change. I am greatful for the birds. I do not have to eat the bugs and can resort to the tree for food. The exchange is you eat plants and your body gets what it wants. It returns to you something called LIFE. Life is made of Love. If love is pointing inward towards self then it creates upon this earth as does love that is pointing upon the earth itself. The changes of the love is usher in change. Changes to the body because something must be sacrificed. A bug must die for a bird to eat. A plant must exchange for you to live. The waste of your food is then given back to the earth which then gives it back to the plants to continue to feed you. So you give to the earth and the earth gives to the plants which take of the earth and the sun. It then gives it to you and you give it back. Then You, not the body you come along and change it. Now you take of the body and it gives back to you. It gives you suffering and you take indulgence and self pleasures. In return it gives up something and its pay is suffering and pain. You love yourself and the sacrifice of that is what you created in your body and on this earth.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Further proof that we breath liquid and air is a liquid.
The density of a liquid in relation to another liquid can separate liquids and create layers. The layers of one liquid can feel more solid, all be it a liquid, because of the differences in density. The transfer of energy from one liquid to another produces an energy discharge as the energy passes through the changes. The changing states of a liquid and a solid can result in fire, and fire is a liquid. The same can occur between liquids and liquids. The amount of change between two differing energies or elements is the same occurance, a change between elements. These changes occur beyond the atomic scale and the deeper the changes below the atomic scale the bigger the visible energy changes. Now either this holds true or a theory that the number of changes that occur may result in greater visible changes which are detectable on our level of existence.

An important note here is "our level" of existence. This is because we are an element of the deeper existence which we cannot get to 100 percent as we are on the physical level that we are aware of. Another important note here is "we are aware of." This is important because what we are aware of is good for understanding, but it is not the complete picture. Most will understand this idea and concur, but mixing this knowledge with ignorace (as in things we are not aware of), will result in conclusions which trap our knowledge into its shell. It is outside the box that is brought inside the box. Awareness of something we are not aware of to becoming aware.

A primitive or earlier existing human did not know a thing about computers and could never even speak of it. It is knowledge that has brought it into being and the awareness of a thought or idea which is being built upon by bringing information from existing and outside the box together to formulate a new developement. That is part of change as well.

Most conflicts between knowledge of the clearly understood, regardless of accuracy or fullness of knowledge, and the unexplicable existence (i.e. spiritual) has no bond yet because mental imprisonment of one without the bridge to the other has not been understood. This confirms the finding that awareness mixed with unawareness creates in this world just as equally as awareness. Unfortunately, the awareness has imprisoned the human mind so much that the awareness of the unawareness is not understood in itself. In fact, it is unawareness in our primitive minds that has a greater grasp of our existence and thus is creating in our existence. We are so captivated by our awareness that we believe that we have made great leaps in advancements of technology and understanding. This is our inhibition.

The concept that fire and air is liquid may confuse some, but it is a thought which came to me as I attempt to open my mind to view the facts and deeper awareness of our existence. What I see is just a beginning of what is and is still wrong as I, like all, know mostly nothing. Nothing, as mentioned before, is everything that we are unaware of, yet exists.

This religious point of view of it being called spiritual and heaven is something I have not seen and do not take part it. I dare not question the truth of it for all that is spoken is true. Just like monsters. I think I have proven my case. How the truth fits into our awareness is still to be seen. Nonetheless, it exists and will meld together when the One has shown it to us. What are we doing and what is the meaning of all this? You'll know that too when the One reveals it. Since we do not understand, just embrace the beauty of what we do see and keep an open mind so you can enter into the next layer of understanding.